With all the transformation going on, and people expressing opinions and concerns, sometimes it is much easier to just post a poem of wisdom, verses adding my two cents into the already chaotic mix of ideas and thoughts. We are experiencing a birth!
For at first you will see only darkness
Know that only by learning to hold and balance both light and shadow, goodness and evil, will you become integrated
For even as your polarities war violently and sweep you up in a whirlwind of anxiety and
still a new third force will emerge from it all
and heal the wounds that split you asunder
Consciously embrace the new energies that flood you
Discover your true self and strengthen it
Take old repressed feelings and needs out into
the light
Acknowledge them
Name them and accept them with compassion
Then they can evolve and transform...
And if misery is your shadow
And you find no happiness in yourself
The surest way to contentment is to forget your
own personality
And if you tire of people...do not isolate yourself
For if you live in a continual state of isolation
of the heart, caring for nothing but your own needs...
You will pass away your life in dreaming of
that which you do not possess
And you will lose your substance of spirit and power
And a desire locked up in the heart feeds on you life if you harbor it
And stored-up anger seeks an object on which to vent itself...
Put aside your attachment to the entity called
Honor yourself and others will honor you
Stop reacting for the needs of society
React for yourself
And you will feel the release of internal chains
as they drop away
Rely not on guidance from outside yourself
For although the black smoke of negativity may
engulf you at this moment...
Know that you will not always be its slave
For the very act of reaching for another state of being
And speaking a word of faith in the unseen will
tilt you away from any dark forces.
Cosmic Calabash is a space created to help inspire and support ALL who are willing to move through this great transformation and leap in consciousness on emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels. A space to share experiences and run out the doubt and embrace your magnificence.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Seed Of The Fire Lily
For wisdom can help you transcend humanity
and its conditions and enter into the world of the divine.
But know that wisdom is not knowledge or inspiration, it is a phenomenal entity that grow in the heart
It is the growth of love...and love brings
insight, a different kind of knowing
For it makes you aware of things which cannot be seen with ordinary eyes. You will see what
cannot be seen; hear what cannot be heard...
Love makes the impossible, possible...Learn to love your life
Mere knowledge is ordinary...but wisdom of the heart is a miracle
For it is so easy to journey through life reacting
to every outside force that you encounter.
And blindly, you align with the roles your family, culture and gender have dictated to you
And although you are unique as a human entity,
still you battle with inner conflicts and secret fears
And you stagger along, unsure of who you are
or what you really want
And your life has become simply an act
For daily, you play your part...following your familiar script....
And under it all, an inner voice screams inside
you, longing to be heard: the sound of your true self....
Know that you are more resilient than you think...
Rekindle the old fires of hope, adaptability and control
that burn deep inside you.
Some may just glow like fading embers but they are still alive...
Do not be passive anymore, but take an active stance in your life
take charge of your problems
For there is nothing that cannot be changed or resolved through persistent effort.
And you have wells of inner strength that you haven't even tapped.
You are here today... that took strength
You made it through the roughest of times...that took strength...
For the human body is the temple in which the endless, ancient struggle takes place: good against evil...light against darkness.
The being known as Man has been sick for so long and he knows it.
For institutions such as family and religion seem to lie in ruins.
And they could have remained sacred if only their laws had been adapted to the real goals of human existence:
Freedom and awareness of a universal harmony of which men and women are an integral part.
For there are two destinies in the entity call Man:
One is a fruit that can perish
And the other is an ancient seed of intelligence which has limitless possibilities: The seed of the fire Lily
Man's evolution is eternal.
For you see the world by the reflected light of yourself and illumination arises from the heart....
and its conditions and enter into the world of the divine.
But know that wisdom is not knowledge or inspiration, it is a phenomenal entity that grow in the heart
It is the growth of love...and love brings
insight, a different kind of knowing
For it makes you aware of things which cannot be seen with ordinary eyes. You will see what
cannot be seen; hear what cannot be heard...
Love makes the impossible, possible...Learn to love your life
Mere knowledge is ordinary...but wisdom of the heart is a miracle
For it is so easy to journey through life reacting
to every outside force that you encounter.
And blindly, you align with the roles your family, culture and gender have dictated to you
And although you are unique as a human entity,
still you battle with inner conflicts and secret fears
And you stagger along, unsure of who you are
or what you really want
And your life has become simply an act
For daily, you play your part...following your familiar script....
And under it all, an inner voice screams inside
you, longing to be heard: the sound of your true self....
Know that you are more resilient than you think...
Rekindle the old fires of hope, adaptability and control
that burn deep inside you.
Some may just glow like fading embers but they are still alive...
Do not be passive anymore, but take an active stance in your life
take charge of your problems
For there is nothing that cannot be changed or resolved through persistent effort.
And you have wells of inner strength that you haven't even tapped.
You are here today... that took strength
You made it through the roughest of times...that took strength...
For the human body is the temple in which the endless, ancient struggle takes place: good against evil...light against darkness.
The being known as Man has been sick for so long and he knows it.
For institutions such as family and religion seem to lie in ruins.
And they could have remained sacred if only their laws had been adapted to the real goals of human existence:
Freedom and awareness of a universal harmony of which men and women are an integral part.
For there are two destinies in the entity call Man:
One is a fruit that can perish
And the other is an ancient seed of intelligence which has limitless possibilities: The seed of the fire Lily
Man's evolution is eternal.
For you see the world by the reflected light of yourself and illumination arises from the heart....
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Mana Keepers

See that the loss of personal mana always results in illness
But the imbalanced body can be corrected by the use of herbs; gifts of the earth
Talk things out with the sufferer until his or her spirit is back on its true course
For both mind and body must be treated
And healing of the spirit must always come first...that is the ancient law of healing
Seek out the most useful plants from the mountains to the sea
And search the forests and talk to the spirits of the plants and trees
And the plant that stands alone...the one with the most perfect form should be the one chosen to give of its essence
For it contains the most mana
And learn patience from a tree...
For it is moved only by the outside force of the wind
And it grows and changes with infinite slowness
And it has learned to accept its limitations and wait...
And marvel at the symbols of the ocean
For a wave at its climax beats against the
shore...foaming and sinking its substance into the yielding sands in a glorious re-enactment of procreation
And tides will always govern your life as they ebb and flow
And when clouds of trouble hide your sun...let the friendly ocean cleanse
For burdens may be symbolically dropped into its churning depths and discarded forever as crested young waves rise up and swallow the old...
And the relentless sea dissolves all in
preparation for re-birth in a new form when the mana will pour into different molds
For tides bring in bounty...then ruthlessly sweep it out again... only to wash back in with new challenges, new gifts and new dreams like gems found on a beach
See the eternal pattern..
Flow with life's currents
Dare to ride on bold waves of change...out to uncharted waters
For there will always be singers on the shore to welcome you back to the safe arms of Earth
Releasing Fear Ho'oponopono Ritual
For most of us fear is our biggest block and it can manifest as generalized anxiety or daily fears. Fear has several parts, not trusting the self, false perception, past experience, feeling inadequate, which leads to fears that you won't be equal to your own life experience.
Just as an animal always remembers a hurt, the lower self retains the memories of both the emotional and physical injuries. If the hurt represents a pattern, example, a parent that was habitually hurtful, the fear may become a complex and lodge deep in the lower self.
Generalized fear presents a special challenge, sometimes one can not remember a traumatic incident. Journaling and dialoguing with the Lower self, one can begin to understand where their fear stems.
The traditional Hawaiian practice called ho'oponopono literally means "to put to rights" and refers to a family conference where relationships were set right through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, mutual restitution, and forgiveness.
This is a valuable tool which is an ancient practice that remained in the Hawaiian culture after Christianity arrived and continued to be used in traditional families.
The ancient Hawaiians believed that illness and misfortune came from an imbalance in the relationships between people and between people and their gods. They believed that everything in life was related, and thus a problem between two family members was a problems for the whole group. The family also included the extended relations, adopted children and close friends.
A ho'oponopono session was often called when a family member became seriously ill. To the Hawaiian Kahuna working to heal a person, a negative entanglement of emotion could block the channel to the gods and made any work attempted with the patient ineffective. The session laid the groundwork for the Kahuna healer by revealing the source of the problem. Ho'oponopono was sometimes used before childbirth in a troubled family, because it was thought that discord was an obstacle that would hinder the baby's healthy birth.
The process of ho'oponopono is first the family is called together. Family members were expected to make every effort to attend the session and to travel long distances if necessary. Once the family was assembled, the process could take a few hours or it might last days or weeks with multiple sessions being needed. The senior member of the family directs, or if he or she was too involved to be objective, a family friend or a kahuna that was known by the family.
The session starts with a prayer addressed to the family's special guardians, asking that they be present and assist in the process. The rest of the ho'oponopono process follows in a ritualized form that includes definite steps. The steps are; identifying the problem, stating the transgression, discussion, identifying the negative entanglement, sharing of feelings, confession, releasing the problem, cutting off the problem, summary and reaffirmation of bonds, and closing prayer with a meal.
There were certain rules that were observed when going through these steps. Because the proceedings might be emotional, family members were encouraged to communicate through the leader and to avoid raising their voices in anger. Everyone was expected to make a sincere effort to reach the truth in a spirit of openness without hurting or insulting one another. If tempers flared during the session, the leader could call for a cooling off period before continuing.
Family members attempt to get to the root of the problems in a process similar to peeling an onion. Discussion of the problem invariably would lead to deeper and deeper layers of conflict. Once the problem was identified and discussed at length, the family found ways for the negative aspects to be released. This might involve a person making a confession as well as restitution. Then the problem was ritually released by everyone taking part. There was a reaffirmation of family ties and closing prayer and a meal.
Ho'oponopono is also used in Huna practice to clear out negativity and blocks so that prayer can be effective, and mana can flow to the Higher Self. Allan P. Lewis offers a general ho'oponopono to free the mind. It begins, Infinite Divine Creator, If I, my relatives, or ancestors did ever offend You or Your children by thought, word, or deed, from the beginning of Creation to the present, we sincerely ask forgiveness of You and all concerned. Forgive all our errors and offenses. Forgive all our guilt's and resentments. Forgive all blocks and attachments we ever created."
An individual ho'oponopono requires a great deal of mental preparation for it to be effective. Spend time with a journal writing your thoughts and feelings about the problem you are having. Be very honest with yourself. Go into the Silence and ask both your higher self and lower self for information about the problem. In other words, do the steps of ho'oponopono on your own, identifying, learning about, and fully fathoming your conflict. If you don't do this very important homework, and simply release the problems with a ritual, it may vanish for a time but will come right back. Going to the root of the conflict may involve seeking outside help. Do what you have to to restore harmony in your life. Once you have gone into it fully, find a way to take action on the physical plane to solve the problem. Make sure both your Higher, Lower and Middle selves are in agreement with your course of action.
To sum up ho'oponopono is an immensely useful ritual that can be used in the family, individually, and in many situation of conflict. The Hawaiian principles underlying it are:
Unresolved hurt, anger, shame or guilt can result in physical illness or other disharmony.
A problem between two family members affects the entire group.
Superficial conflicts are often symptomatic o hidden hurts.
Higher powers will assist those who work to resolve their difficulties.
There is strength in the shared purpose of a family working together to solve problems.
Sincere forgiveness and release negative emotional entanglement
Prayer is essential
Relationships can be healed.
Just as an animal always remembers a hurt, the lower self retains the memories of both the emotional and physical injuries. If the hurt represents a pattern, example, a parent that was habitually hurtful, the fear may become a complex and lodge deep in the lower self.
Generalized fear presents a special challenge, sometimes one can not remember a traumatic incident. Journaling and dialoguing with the Lower self, one can begin to understand where their fear stems.
The traditional Hawaiian practice called ho'oponopono literally means "to put to rights" and refers to a family conference where relationships were set right through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, mutual restitution, and forgiveness.
This is a valuable tool which is an ancient practice that remained in the Hawaiian culture after Christianity arrived and continued to be used in traditional families.
The ancient Hawaiians believed that illness and misfortune came from an imbalance in the relationships between people and between people and their gods. They believed that everything in life was related, and thus a problem between two family members was a problems for the whole group. The family also included the extended relations, adopted children and close friends.
A ho'oponopono session was often called when a family member became seriously ill. To the Hawaiian Kahuna working to heal a person, a negative entanglement of emotion could block the channel to the gods and made any work attempted with the patient ineffective. The session laid the groundwork for the Kahuna healer by revealing the source of the problem. Ho'oponopono was sometimes used before childbirth in a troubled family, because it was thought that discord was an obstacle that would hinder the baby's healthy birth.
The process of ho'oponopono is first the family is called together. Family members were expected to make every effort to attend the session and to travel long distances if necessary. Once the family was assembled, the process could take a few hours or it might last days or weeks with multiple sessions being needed. The senior member of the family directs, or if he or she was too involved to be objective, a family friend or a kahuna that was known by the family.
The session starts with a prayer addressed to the family's special guardians, asking that they be present and assist in the process. The rest of the ho'oponopono process follows in a ritualized form that includes definite steps. The steps are; identifying the problem, stating the transgression, discussion, identifying the negative entanglement, sharing of feelings, confession, releasing the problem, cutting off the problem, summary and reaffirmation of bonds, and closing prayer with a meal.
There were certain rules that were observed when going through these steps. Because the proceedings might be emotional, family members were encouraged to communicate through the leader and to avoid raising their voices in anger. Everyone was expected to make a sincere effort to reach the truth in a spirit of openness without hurting or insulting one another. If tempers flared during the session, the leader could call for a cooling off period before continuing.
Family members attempt to get to the root of the problems in a process similar to peeling an onion. Discussion of the problem invariably would lead to deeper and deeper layers of conflict. Once the problem was identified and discussed at length, the family found ways for the negative aspects to be released. This might involve a person making a confession as well as restitution. Then the problem was ritually released by everyone taking part. There was a reaffirmation of family ties and closing prayer and a meal.
Ho'oponopono is also used in Huna practice to clear out negativity and blocks so that prayer can be effective, and mana can flow to the Higher Self. Allan P. Lewis offers a general ho'oponopono to free the mind. It begins, Infinite Divine Creator, If I, my relatives, or ancestors did ever offend You or Your children by thought, word, or deed, from the beginning of Creation to the present, we sincerely ask forgiveness of You and all concerned. Forgive all our errors and offenses. Forgive all our guilt's and resentments. Forgive all blocks and attachments we ever created."
An individual ho'oponopono requires a great deal of mental preparation for it to be effective. Spend time with a journal writing your thoughts and feelings about the problem you are having. Be very honest with yourself. Go into the Silence and ask both your higher self and lower self for information about the problem. In other words, do the steps of ho'oponopono on your own, identifying, learning about, and fully fathoming your conflict. If you don't do this very important homework, and simply release the problems with a ritual, it may vanish for a time but will come right back. Going to the root of the conflict may involve seeking outside help. Do what you have to to restore harmony in your life. Once you have gone into it fully, find a way to take action on the physical plane to solve the problem. Make sure both your Higher, Lower and Middle selves are in agreement with your course of action.
To sum up ho'oponopono is an immensely useful ritual that can be used in the family, individually, and in many situation of conflict. The Hawaiian principles underlying it are:
Unresolved hurt, anger, shame or guilt can result in physical illness or other disharmony.
A problem between two family members affects the entire group.
Superficial conflicts are often symptomatic o hidden hurts.
Higher powers will assist those who work to resolve their difficulties.
There is strength in the shared purpose of a family working together to solve problems.
Sincere forgiveness and release negative emotional entanglement
Prayer is essential
Relationships can be healed.
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