Cosmic Calabash is a space created to help inspire and support ALL who are willing to move through this great transformation and leap in consciousness on emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels. A space to share experiences and run out the doubt and embrace your magnificence.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

First you will See Only Darkness

With all the transformation going on, and people expressing opinions and concerns, sometimes it is much easier to just post a poem of wisdom, verses adding my two cents into the already chaotic mix of ideas and thoughts. We are experiencing a birth!

For at first you will see only darkness

Know that only by learning to hold and balance both light and shadow, goodness and evil, will you become integrated

For even as your polarities war violently and sweep you up in a whirlwind of anxiety and

still a new third force will emerge from it all
and heal the wounds that split you asunder

Consciously embrace the new energies that flood you

Discover your true self and strengthen it

Take old repressed feelings and needs out into
the light

Acknowledge them

Name them and accept them with compassion

Then they can evolve and transform...

And if misery is your shadow

And you find no happiness in yourself

The surest way to contentment is to forget your
own personality

And if you tire of not isolate yourself

For if you live in a continual state of isolation
of the heart, caring for nothing but your own needs...

You will pass away your life in dreaming of
that which you do not possess

And you will lose your substance of spirit and power

And a desire locked up in the heart feeds on you life if you harbor it

And stored-up anger seeks an object on which to vent itself...

Put aside your attachment to the entity called

Honor yourself and others will honor you

Stop reacting for the needs of society

React for yourself

And you will feel the release of internal chains
as they drop away

Rely not on guidance from outside yourself

For although the black smoke of negativity may
engulf you at this moment...

Know that you will not always be its slave

For the very act of reaching for another state of being

And speaking a word of faith in the unseen will
tilt you away from any dark forces.

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