See that Man is like the fool in the Tarot card
wandering along...
A vagabond going his own way
And he carries a bag containing universal
But he doesn't open it
And he walks towards a precipice
For he can so easily fall into the bondage of
material desires
And the sun, like his spirit, rises behind him
But it never reaches its zenith
For if it does, it will descend and decrease its
Give yourself powerful keys to ponder...
Surround yourself with the yellow light of sun
For you need not leave your own space to fly and expand
Reach out and touch the universe
And look down on small troubles...for they
will melt in your heart-fire
For the sun of pure consciousness shines in the
chambers of your heart like a self-luminous
spirit, a sun of suns
It is the inner self that transcends words and thoughts
And once you realize its presence, you will no
more return to this world of birth and death
And the truth will ring inside you, nobody
comes and nobody goes
The soul exists forever
Burn through your fears and delusions with the
power of enquiry
Have the courage to always climb upwards
Aspire to the higher world
And know that courage itself is power
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