When you begin praying in the Huna way, it is necesary to design your prayer with care. You want the words to connect to your Lower Self (child), in an effective way. Take time to think about what you really want to come into your life and write it down.
Many ask, what should they pray for? Huna emphasizes balance. Huna prayer is effective in many aspects of your life, and once you learn how to gather mana and direct a prayer, you can put this to work for you in any area. Knowing what to pray for, however, is a product of wisdom that may take many years to learn and that utimately has to do with who and what you are. You know by now that it is against Huna ethics o pray for anything that might affect another person, either directly or indirectly. You know the cardinal rule that Huna pracitioners never hurt any form of life with intent or hatred. Combine these two with the concept of balance inall things, and you have the basic guidance for Huna prayer.
Most people naturally want things to manifest in their lives. As long as you follow the basic guideline of hurting no one or nothings, of non-interference, and of always working for the highest good, and you keep the Higer Self involved, you can pray for anything. Let your higher wisdom guide you, your Higher Self and help you to determine what to ask for and how it will mainfest. Be aware when you pray that you are likely to recieve what you ask for, but it must be suitable for you, and you must be able to handle it for it to do you any good.
Charlotte Berney suggests making two sets of goals for yourself: immediate and long range. Ask yourself what you want to come into your life now and where you would like to be in five or ten years. Spend a great deal of a time thinking about your goals. Write your goals down. Begin visualizing them and setting prayer in motion. Material goals require mana to be gathered; personal spiritual goals simply need to be expressed.
The best prayer-requests are very simple and straightforward. You can ask for optimum health for your body, a life of great abundance, a loving companion, a harmonious relationship, confidence in yourself, or spiritual insight. Emphasize the positive aspects of your request.
The more you can visualize what you want, the better, though when it comes to wanting people to come into your life, do not be specific. Picture yourself already having whatever you want to come into your life.
Once you have visualized yourself as already having something, hold it in your mind, and do not change it. Feel that you already have it in your life. Do not question how or where it will come to you, and never doubt that you will have it. Pray for the highest good of all.
If praying for another, always ask their permission to help in the healing process, send mana to your own Higher Self and ask that the mana be shared with the person's Higher Self to effect healing. Pray regularly and send an abundance of mana. Never visualize disease or disability and ask that it be healed. Always visualize the body or body part as healthy and normal and picture the person healed and happy.
Though Kahuna's in old Hawaii did do chants and ritual to affect the weather, this is not advisable in our day and time. Our world is too interdependent, and a change in one place might cause problems in another. Also, there are natural patterns beyond the understanding of individual minds and their agendas, and it is not wise to interfere with these. In times of stressful weather, when storm, floods, fores. or earthquakes threaten, pray to your guides and Higher Self and ask that the highest good be done for the area affected. Better still , ask that the entire planet's weather and geology be balanced for the highest good of the earth and the beings who live here.
When I am in prayer and praying for the planet, I pour my light out like a wave, and wrap it around the planet. I do not focus on a particular incident happening. I am always greeted with thanks form this light being which is a guardian of the earth, though she appears very young.
(honor to Charlotte Berney)
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