Cosmic Calabash is a space created to help inspire and support ALL who are willing to move through this great transformation and leap in consciousness on emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels. A space to share experiences and run out the doubt and embrace your magnificence.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Art Of Divination

The art of divination seems to baffle many. Yet, the evidence shows that it is possible for some to see the future and have knowledge of coming events, even though no one has ever been found to be one hundred percent accurate, which is also baffling for scientists. So, the question many might carry is why some predictions are accurate and why some are less accurate.

Divination is a strong practice of the Kahuna and all those that are adepts use it to some degree. It is part of the Kahuna training and not surprising that the main root of the word in Hawaiian is wanana, which means to observe patterns of time.

Past events consist of events which have occurred, and the future consist of events which have not occurred. So, the present consists of events which are occurring and being perceived.

Some say, that the present is an illusion because time is a continuous flow from past to future and scientists say the present is merely an interface between past and future. The Kahuna believes the present involves the span of events which one is in the process of perceiving and which you can interact. The Kahuna sees a bigger view of the present which is more in line with our perceptions.

The past is what we remember, as if you were to ask your children or family members of events, you would find that each have a different twist to what has occurred. The Kahuna ideas is that divination is outwardly the time that comes after, the result, the consequence, which indicates the Kahuna teaching is that the future is a result of what goes on in the present. The Kahuna teach that the present is the fruit of the past and the seed of the future and therefore, observing the present one can predict the future.

Every change in thought or act influences new variables that can change the course of the outcome and future. The Kahuna knew even by expressing a prediction can change the outcome. The more information about the present, the more accurate the prediction. So, when one opens up and doesn't limit their information the telepathy and clairvoyance flows in order to gather information and the resources.

Divination consists of expanding one's awareness to see the unseen aspects of the present and the daily knowledge. Gathering psychic information is a subconscious process and information doesn't have to be made available to the conscious mind.

The process of psychic prediction is somewhat an ability to estimate the future and sends this to the conscious mind to form words and images. This is why many say, well how do I know if this is just me speaking?

Predicting is more accurate when the near future is gathered from what seeds have come before. A Kahuna that is a diviner has the ability to receive and interpret information without judgment. The more a Kahuna can do this, the more accurate his seeing abilities are.

Divination is used also in healing to check the course of an illness, a treatment and its outcome. This same information gathered he/she can give advice for direction.

Once a kahuna has seen the probable results of the moments thoughts and actions, he/she can introduce new variables so as to change the outcome.

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