Every thought carries a vibration in the Middle Self and it becomes even stronger when there is emotion behind it. This is why many of our more negative thoughts manifest more often then our positive ones.
Thoughts that are held by a group also manifest quickly due to the amount of emotion by numbers.
Thoughts have a substance and an effect and the spoken word has power. The Hawaiians took seriously the spoken word for it brought a manifestation of assistance or harm.
It is wise to practice working with your Lower self, in thinking and speaking with positive wording. This is a very powerful tool when creating your future. Most of our speaking is negative. Our attention will naturally focus on what is not right verses what is. Strong programming from our childhood, cultures and societies that support our negative speech.
Your Lower self is always listening, just as your own children listen. The vibration of the negative words move through the cells in your body and can make the difference in one being healthy or ill.
Awareness is key to changing your speech, so listening would be your first step to change. Ask your Lower self to cooperate with helping your family within use positive speech and ask that your Higher Self also to assist you. Then listen to yourself when you speak, and when you find yourself speaking negatively replace it with positive statements. You are not to judge yourself, this listening is to observe the habitualness of what is being played out and listened to, in your Lower self. When you hear another using negative speech, counter it with a positive statement.
This is not an easy practice and takes much time as you realize the conditioning of seeing pain and misery and how the habit of seeing the negativity everywhere.
Many might feel this is not a more real way, or that they are not able to express their true feelings. The fact is, you'll become your true positive feelings. Everyone becomes angry and there is nothing negative about that. The kahuna knew and understood their emotions and processed them in constructive ways and strong feelings are not negative, and can be expressed without destruction. Beware of anything that you notice within your speech that is habitual because this is a reinforcer of your thoughts.
If you hear from within negative expressions, even sarcasm this is sending a mixed message to your Lower self. Example using the word "trying or should". This implies guilt and is in conflict with the Lower and Middle selves. Make sure when you are practicing positive speech that you don't feel guilt. Think about other ways to phrase and in time these will become your habitual speech. Also, exaggerations, ask your Lower self to stay away from words that inflate.
We all carry contradictions. These again carry confusion to the Lower self. If you have a perspective or point of view, just simply state it. You don't have to argue your point with another, just let it go. Using words such as "I know" also expresses you are having trouble understanding the communication that is going on.
Gratitude raises mana in both one who is thankful and thanking. When this is sincerely expressed it reinforces positive outcomes. This includes thanking your Sources and the beauty around you.
Positive speech also is a strong protector from psychic attacks, as is strengthens the Lower self. Constant negativity drains the mana from the aura and thus weakens the aura for psychic attack.
As you clean out the negativity in the Lower self you create a healthy and strong mind.
When learning to practice positive speech, just listen to yourself as much as possible and redirect your expressions. Remember words hold substance and this practice can change your life, and change the world.
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