There is a word in Hawaiian which defines cords of energy that bind us together. It is the word aka which means shadow, essence or shadow spirit. In metaphysics it might be described as astral or etheric line of energy. Everything and the 3 selves, even thoughts have an aka substance that reaches and makes connections between people and things. An aka cord can connect a person to an object and distance does not matter. It is somewhat a phone line that allows for a telepathic communication to take place.
In Huna the aka cord is important, because through life one makes aka cord connections between things, places and people. A cord can be created thoughts, words or action and the Lower selves can communicate between each other.
When I give an energy treatment, I can communicate with the child or Lower self of another, as well as Middle and Higher self, and this is the way I can assist the being in unblocking their path so mana will flow for them and create wellness.
Many times I am sure you have experienced thinking about someone, and all of a sudden they call and you find out they were also thinking about you. This is how the information travels through the aka cord. Sometimes you might be angry with another, and not voice this anger, and then you find out that this person has become ill. For people who practice Huna there is no coincidence that the angered energy has traveled through the aka cord to the person.
Cutting or removing cords that run between people for the two to start a new beginning is important. There are cords that are acceptable and those that are not and are manipulative. A child will cord the parent naturally to learn and access information, this is acceptable, but as the child moves into adulthood the cords if not removed can become burdensome, and manipulation can take place. Also, you see cords created through relationships that are abusive. You will hear typically that the one being abused continues to go back to the abuser, this is because there is cording that has not been removed. It's somewhat like pulling a Dandelion, and if you don't get the root, it grows back. This is the same in cording. People tend to cord each other in the same weakened spot, so removing cords need to be done regularly through an energy worker. People that work in a more serving support fields usually are loaded with cords, such as teachers, nurses, doctors, social workers, psychologists, healers, etc... Again, these cords need to be removed as they tend to take away mana or life force.
Summarizing; Everything has aka substance.
Aka is like a phone line that stretches and is sticky and distance isn't limited.
Aka cords are created through thoughts, words and actions and you form aka cords with people, objects and places.
It is important to cut aka cords when the cording no longer serves you.
Thoughts have aka substance and can have a material effect throughout the universe.
Note: all people have corded someone at one time or another! Until you are aware of what is happening people are not really intending to do this. Cording that is manipulative of course are the types of cords healers as myself are concerned with removing.
I will give you an example of cording. The college student calls their mother for money each week, and each week the mother gives in to the wants of her daughter. She voices her anger, and tells herself and others that she will not give her another cent. The call comes again from her daughter, and again she gives her the money. The mother is confused for she can not understand her behavior and why she continues to give her daughter the money. This is because the daughter has corded her in the 1st chakra which is where many children chord their parents. The 1st charkra is the root or foundation and children will cord in the lower chakra's or energy centers. Once the cord is removed the mother would see that she would have no problems saying no to her daughters requests. She would also find out that the energy after cutting the cord or twisting it out carefully like a weed, that she has more energy and her daughter also has more energy.
Keep in mind that every positive thought adds to the storage of positivity in the universe, and every negative thought adds to the storage of negativity in the universe.
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