The Kahuna approach to good, bad or evil is that there is no parallel in Huna as an evil being, such as in Christianity where there is an existence of Satan who tempts souls from living up to the standards of God. The Kahuna considers Satan as an idea of man. The teaching of Huna is that everyone is responsible for their own actions and the results of those actions. In Huna there is no teaching of sin or sinning against God, for God's laws, by their nature cannot be sinned against without ramifications. However, this does not mean that one cannot commit bad or evil act.
The words in Hawaiian used to translate sin explain the Kahuna teaching. Hala, to err by omission. It means missing of the path, or failure in what needs to be done, a mistake, an error in judgment. The word hewa, which is the mistake of going beyond limits, excess or something that is too much and out of balance. The word used that is the closest to evil is ino, where something is done with the intention of hurting another. Intention is the key here and only the individual who commits the act can actually judge what he/she has done. Intent makes the difference. The only universal sin in Huna is violence to life, that includes to intentionly harm life, be it plants, animals, Earth, or people.
There are no commandments in Huna. There is logic. If you commit an act of violence, you will receive violence. If you give love, you will receive love. Everything is one, whole and thus, it follows that you cannot commit violence unless you feel violent about oneself, you cannot hate, without hating the self. If you want growth in your life, love, for love is growth and the more you focus and practice in love of self, to the same degree you will grow and be in joy.
The Hawaiian word for love is Aloha and it means more then hello or goodbye, it means to be happy with, to grow in unity, share your experience, its a way of acting towards each other, watchful alertness, truthful honesty, humility, patient perseverance. Love is an energy growth and happiness.
Emotions to the Kahuna is a movement of energy through the body or excitement, whether it be anger or joy and thoughts are what start up the emotion and a change of thought can change your emotions.
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