In Huna prayer is of the greatest importance and when Mana is flowing without any blocks your intentions for assistance or to resolve an issue are heard.
The 3 selves play an important part in prayer. The Lower self gathers the mana which is needed to for the Higher self. The Middle self uses the will and intention and creates the prayer or request and directs the mana. The Higher self manifests the results and again stating, the Higher self must have a great deal of mana to manifest, especially if the request is for a physical or material outcome.
Mana can only be gathered and sent from the Lower self (child) when it is cooperation between the selves. I like to describe it as the child somewhat speaks for the family, so it is most important that the Lower self (child) is not holding complexes about the worthiness of the family within. If the Lower self holds guilt, fear, or negative opinion the seeds of prayer fall to the wayside or if Mana is low, there will be not enough mana to send to the Higher self and the Lower self (child) will feel too ashamed to address the Higher Self (grandparent) for the request and this is why the clearing of blocks in the selves is imperative for manifestation.
In a prior post, I spoke of ways to clear blocks, forgiveness, positive speech, thoughts, clearing negative opinions and self image, erasing the effects of past in the present and in childhood and of course in some cases seeking assistance from another that works in Higher Self Therapy or energy work.
When your awareness increases you will have greater understanding of the workings of your selves and reteaching the Lower self ( child) creates for a loving relationship between your Lower and Middle Selves and for some the 3 selves will be operating as one being.
Huna is a path to self discovery, having to look beneath the surface inward, outward in many directions. It is embracing more of your heart, running out doubt, and uncovering the beauty of you and your uniqueness.
When creating a prayer it need be done with attention for emphasizing any lack of anything is not effective, so clear wording that is positive and in the highest good for all involved is necessary. When creating your prayer it is MOST important to not interfere in the free will of another and there is a fine line there, especially for those that do healing! To visual and send pray in a picture can be very powerful, and those that have trouble visualizing they can hold intention to the goal. In creating your prayer it is also important to release needing to know how it will manifest, for your Higher Self will take care of this.
The fuel behind manifestation is the breath, that Ha breath, as well as your emotional field. Let me share this experience with you.
I was in my healing room and the ceilings were low, and there is a ceiling fan that I keep running during certain times to create a comfortable atmosphere. I reached my hand up to pull mana, and the fan blade struck my hand. Was very painful and left a mark. I without thinking placed my left hand over my hurt hand and using the breath pulled the energy into both hands, all while trying not to cry. I also stated with great emotion, "In our world everything heals instantly" and for 5 seconds I held no doubt. I lifted my hand off the injured hand, and the mark and pain GONE! I realized then, that the emotion and visualization, the brief period of no doubt, (which is the cooperation of all the selves working together) and the pulling of the Mana was the formula and in sync with Source and thus the healing instantaneously took place and the greater the offering with heart, the quicker the prayer is met.
To have your prayer take hold, you need strong intention, mana, and no blockages.
The Lower self must be free from guilt, fear or shame.
Good formulated prayer (clear request), without lack.
Usage of the breath.
As you start to progress in your practice of self discovery, you may perhaps experience other forms of healing, various forms of astral traveling, etc....I will not be addressing those at this time for many reasons.
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