The Middle self (the parent), is the self that is conscious, can reason, uses logic, makes the decisions. You would feel most familiar with this self, for it is the one that is experienced in the head. This self is to keep an ongoing inner monologue of thoughts and words. The Middle self is more the parent of your family which would set goals for the family, and uses intellect. It analyzes and evaluates. It works with the outside world based on the data that it has downloaded. It can feel love and emotions, but mostly operates in logic. The Middle self helps the Lower self (child) rationalize things, for when you see a person where the Middle self has been run out of the body, you find much mental illness, due to the fact that there is basically a child left alone within the being with no parenting.
Many people have a strong Middle self. It would be those that would come across as "in the head", they are brilliant, but don't have good sense and their wisdom or practicality are not developed. Many people look up to them as being bright, as interesting as that is. Some people come to work with this self, for perhaps it hasn't been as developed in other periods or there is a wound there that needs to be cleared.
The Middle self does have the tendency to believe it is running the body and feels separate from the other selves, as it can have it's own agendas. But, it is very limited and needs the Lower self to access information that it can not understand, such as love, or Source.
The Middle self is most important as all the selves are. It keeps the Lower self safe and connected in to the outer world, or for instance the Lower self might remember a time when the being did not have form and could fly, and therefore the Middle self would remind the Lower self that this would not be a wise decision to try to fly off the roof. As the Middle self with sees the wisdom in integrating with the Lower self, or acknowledging it, it sees that the being is able to operate at a much more of an expanded functioning. The Middle self needs the Lower self and the Lower self needs the Middle. You the Middle self, learn to parent your child within.
The Lower Self (child)
Runs the whole body, organs, nervous system, immune system, senses, memory, instinct survival, emotions etc... It takes information from it's parent (Middle self) on the environment of the being. The Lower self is always awake and active. It loves to serve the parent or Middle self, however, as in a family sometimes it will not cooperate if the Lower self feels something is not moral. It is the one that speaks to the Source, so it is the one that makes sure the selves are in a right place, and a place of pureness. The Lower self, holds past lives, really the talents and gifts of the being. It holds and utilizes the life force or mana to perform all functions. It learns through repetition. It moves toward pleasure verse pain, therefore habits are formed in the Lower self. It also feels shame, guilt, fear, and hides these from the Middle self. Communication is done with pictures and symbols. It holds the love and love of self. Because it is referred to as the Lower self, there is nothing lower about it, for it is a powerful part of your beings make up. Getting to know your lower self, or child within and creating a dialog with this self is most important for happiness. What I find fascinating is that as we have our own children, we can see exactly how to work with our own child within. So, establishing a strong bond and relationship with your own child brings much awareness to the workings of your being. Any problems or issues must be worked out in this self and exploring and eliminating blocks, assumptions and fears within your lower self leads to the accumulation of mana.
Higher Self (Grandparent)
I call the Higher Self the grandparent self. It is dual in nature having both masculine and feminine poles. It is the beings God within. Its trustworthy and paired with spirit. It is your connection to your higher source. It is the guide and is not easily accessed for some for this reason. It functions with spirit guides, angels, guardians etc... It has insight, absolute love, and inspiration. It is the healer, and its understanding unlimited. It will not interfere with the Middle and Lower selves until cooperation has been made. It works with Divine will and will only help when asked. When it is given through the Lower self the mana it can act with manifestation. It has the intuition. It will become involved when the being is in danger. It is the self that transforms the being. As long as communication does not become blocked by assumptions or fears from the Lower self it will be always available to help. Your Higher self always tells the truth and will lead the being when asked.
Now that you have been given a brief understanding of the 3 selves, you can learn more about them by observing. Watching your own family dynamics in your outer world will also give you clues as to the workings of your family within. For instance the Lower self or child is always in the present, as a child would in the outer world.
If you are feeling anxiety, sit for a moment and ask your child within what problem it is having. Ask your inner child its name, and learn to parent your child. As this is done, you will find there is a shift within your body to calmness, as your child is being listened too. Now, your Middle self can come in and counsel the child, as you would in the outer world. But remember, it will take a constant counseling because the child must be taught with repetition or it continues to repeat what it believes. Again no different from your own children. It will not respond well to punishment either and remember the lower self has the memory of the being.
The first focus would be in working together is to take time to and attention to the workings of the 3 selves through observing different people in your outer world, or the dynamics in your own family. You might observe a person who appears more logical or those who ignore the Higher self wisdom or promptings, or those that are very focused on the material and things which would be the imbalance of the Lower self or a person who denies the body, which would be an imbalance in the Higher self.
Know thy selves, and watch your life shift! ♥
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