With all the quickening and light coming in, don't think we all just get the candy without having to merge, mutate or mop up something, especially our outdated thinking, and lack of participation on some level, mental, emotional, physical or spiritual or better all three. Oh...yes! it's initiation time! Initiation....sounds exciting doesn't it? HA!! For those that have experienced the birth of a baby, well..initiation is kind of like that, before you can take in the joy of your new born self..there is a process!!
Now, you might hear different from a person in the metaphysical community about how wonderful initiation is, because most likely they have only read about it in a book and well...it's wonderful after the birthing process is over. You won't hear any Kum.ba..ya about it from me. Most people never have ever experienced a true energetic initiation, for if they have, they would relay to you something along these lines, Oh! you are going through an initiation? I'm so sorry.....how can I help you? You wouldn't hear, wow! that's cool! There is nothing cool about an energetic initiation! Most people might... might..., have experience one initiation in their lifetime, but if you are lucky or unfortunate depending on how you are looking at it as I, I have experienced three!! and some little ones...kind of like aftershocks you could say. I wanted to write about this today because many initiations will be happening during an expansion and an initiation is very profound, and can be very scary. Ask some of the old masters and Saints! I like to keep humor alive because our spiritual path takes on so many serious tones and humor is the way I honor and respect the universal processes.
With the increase in energy almost 1000 fold each each year, those that are meant to stay through the shift will most definitely experience some sort of initiation in order for them to be able to take in and integrate the energies without blowing a gasket. Many will be leaving the planet young and old to assist without the limitations of the physical, and even more after transitioning the planet will just continue the eternal process of growth in a dimension that is aligned perfectly with their being. Either way, we will all be observing more soul groups transitioning the planet. Though we will feel grateful to be alive, we may end up questioning our decisions to stay to Earth during these days, for what is to come is well....transformative to say the least? Remember, it's a process, and before the light, we will experience the dark aspects. I always thought about dark and light as if I were put into a closet never knowing what light is, and someone on the other side of the closet would be preparing me to experience light for the first time, could be terrifying, and then imagining just the opposite, only knowing light, and being thrown into a dark closet, again the unknowing could be terrifying. One thing the light and dark have in common is the unknowing, fear and lack of understanding about each other. Some believe the light always wins. Really, both created from Source and as the merge to oneness takes place, we will see through the illusion of this fear. This is why manifesting is such a gift and tool, and your connections need be solid with spirit and the God that you are. Running out our doubt, can't be stated strong enough. The doubt keeps us from embracing our magnificence.
There will be so many new opportunities and creating taking place and all will align themselves to the frequencies they transmit in every facet of their lives. There will be many shocks for the masses and many myths once believed, will become truths. Lots of secrets will surface and our beliefs challenged, especially surrounding religion and the church. Interesting times for sure. This is why focused intention will help you, and this means, the decision as to what you allow to come into your life to experience and what does not. It can be a tough choice, because some things we think we don't want to experience because they are unpleasant actually become great teaching and bring expansive growth. Like initiation.
Sometimes it works that one learns what they don't want first, before they know what they do want, and this also works in knowing what is not you, before claiming what is you. It's all about defining and clarity and the two can end up to be bickering neighbors that can't move away from each other. So, we all agree that we are all in a different process of integrating new energies at this time.
I have experienced three major initiations, 1 on the physical level, 2 on the emotional mental levels, and 1 on the spiritual level. Focusing on the positive side, the outcome changed my being, and a fine tuning took place, and enabled me to hold more energies, this in turned gave me more tools for assisting people here. It allowed for my spirit to be more fully present in the body which is called a major descension. The experience physically was scary. Before I get started on sharing the details, I will say that it is very helpful if you counsel with an astrologer, and one that has devoted their life to this extensive art. I will give a link to the astrologers I have used and recommend to my own clients. Astrology is very helpful because Astrology helps you understand energy and you can learn what energetic aspects can be working with you or more in opposition and Astrology is not horoscopes, it is very detailed, and takes many years to read the maps.
One of the most intense initiations I have ever experienced was on a physical level. The day started like any other day, it was sunny, it was in June. I woke up with a bit of anxiety, something that I had not felt for a long time. I decided to not let the anxiety ruin my day, so I jumped in my jeep and went for a ride. I noticed that my right hand was starting to shake as I held on to the steering wheel, and I could feel a strong energy pushing down on my shoulders, I felt my teeth clinch, as if I was being moved up slowly in energy. I turned the jeep around and headed home, for the feeling was unpleasant and unfamiliar. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed looking out of the windshield the energy pouring down from the sky like a hard rain. I thought...I need to lie down..as the feeling became increasingly more alarming to me. A neighbor across the street who was also an energy worker came out of her house, and yelled to me..."what's happening, do you see that?" I said, yea...I'm going back inside! The days following, I noticed burning marks on both of my wrists, that released a watery substance. I had burning marks on my middle. My hair started to fall out, and my hands shook violently, especially if a person would step into my energy field. My voice shaky. Anxiety, mostly because I wasn't sure what to do other than just sit tight. It felt like someone upstairs had failed to turn off the energy faucet. Each day the symptoms continued, so I decided to call an older spiritual friend of mine to see if she had any ideas. She confirmed my knowing, that I was experiencing a physical initiation and integrating new energies. But, still carrying some doubt I thought, well..,it's very common for channelers to have thyroid and adrenal problems so I took a visit to my doctor, tests where done, negative of course for any problems, she said she never had seen anything like it, and that perhaps it was stress. I knew then, it was a no hope situation and I was just going to have to not know and flow with it. I had to stop all readings and energy work because any type of pulling of more energy made me shake even more. I basically took sleeping for about 6 months, and then magically gone! I happen to be looking at the website of my teacher in Hawaii who is a Kahuna, real one too! and noticed something very interesting.....she about 2 months prior to my episode had a very similar experience, different places of burning. She was told through a priest she was having Stigmata, of course...I called her and we were both amazed that we experienced this energy so close together. When I first met her, I was prompted to take a twin crystal with me and give it to her, only to find out, she lost her crystals on the trip. Though I am not Catholic, I suppose this is what some label this energy exchange, stigmata, not at all like the movies, but scary none the less. After the 6 months the gift left to me that I noticed right away was what the Navajo Indians call a hand trembler. It's a shamanic gift of being able to feel vibration. My hands tremble when doing energy work or with any type of energy field, and once the person is balanced the trembling stops. My hands became like a dowsing rods for energy. Also saw that my other senses had been heightened my clairaudiance, voyance, and clairsentience which was a wonderful gift in continuing my work in the spiritual counseling and healing field.
Each initiation has been different and tough in it' s own way, but once you make it to the other side you'd have it no other way.
Here are some of the physical symptoms that many will experience as the energy expands and of course you won't experience these all at once. You can feel hungry all of the time, and your body doesn't seem to feel full. This is because you need light, go out in the sun for about 15 minutes, also you can make the shape of a triangle with your fingers tips and allow the light to shine through onto your face, this makes like an antenna. Some people feel drawn to alcohol especially beer. Sleeping patterns change erratically, you may feel as if you need no sleep or sleep for hours and hours. Sharp pains in the head, neck and shoulders. Pressure between your eyebrows, severe headaches at the base of the skull, flu-like symptoms, muscle aches and joint aches, fever and sweats which is when your energy bodies are vibrating out of cycle with your physical body, tiredness, pain in the center of your sternum, vibrating when you are awake, pain in the lower back and hips, arms and hands tingling or falling asleep, perceptual changes, your senses become more acute and open to your psychic gifts, excessive sensory input, where all of a sudden all your senses amplify, feeling spacey and ungrounded, low level anxiety, dizziness, and clumsiness, hazy vision, objects appear to move, melt or shimmer, hearing beeps, tones, music, or morse code, memory loss, there are many more. I would suggest reading the book (What Is Lightbody) by Tashira Tachi-ren, which will explain in more detail what your being may experience. Some of the 1st wavers have already gone through a lot of this, the 2nd wavers a good bit too, however those encoded now to awaken will have to travel a very quick steep path upward. It is good information to know and pass on and can make a huge difference for a person suffering with not knowing what is happening to them, can be very frightening. Many will just run to the doctor, which in some instances can be helpful because all bodies are intertwined, however if it's energetic traditional methods won't help. If anything take to the herbals which hold different energies for balancing. Assist each other, but resist trying to cure a person in an energetic crisis, just support and allow them to save themselves, it's just a releasing and taking in of more light, and it's one's process. I think the best way to assist each other is to just be present without judgment and remind them that this too shall pass. Just the love and understanding alone can make an initiation much easier, and really all benefit from participating in it. Sometimes, it's good to seek an alternative practitioner, just to bring your being at ease.
I finally out grew the fear of initiation, took time. If you feel that you may benefit or have the need for assistance and you are going through a tough integration or initiation, please feel free to contact me for spiritual counsel or energy work; my email is: rainbowbridge@verizon.net
These are magnificent times and we all have chosen to be here together.
Embody the God that you are.
Pour our like a creator.
Extend your hand in love, and the sun will shine in your soul forever.
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