When growing up, my best friends and I would laugh about wanting to get married and wanting to move next door to each other, so we could wave from window to window to one another. It's so natural really for all of us to want to be in oneness and when the valuable life experiences come a knocking, more often than not, separation time is near, and those once best friends inseparable in heart, hold a look within their eyes of a stranger.
With the expansion of energy, you may find this happening a lot, with family members, friends, relationships, and marriages, for everyone is aligning, adjusting and creating anew. We outgrow places, people and things as our calabash opens, and we need to let them go, for they don't belong to us. We may protest to the universe about breaking our alliances, but we are all always at the right place and the right time and with the right people for our experience. You might also find that as each align, these places, things and people return, step back in from time to time.
We are always in a place of rebirth, whether we are aware of it or not. We are like the serpent shedding the old worn out limited self, to embrace the more expanded new self that is to be born. This is an endless cycle, so we never die, we are only born.
Before our birth there is pain, and there is pain when we are reborn. There is pain before your new self emerges, of course not until all things in your life seem to fall apart to make way for the new. Your personal relationships transform to relationships that are run through spirit, and not identified with the personality any longer. You won't be able to wait for that daily phone call, for that phone will only ring when there is a prompting from spirit.
As the new you awakens, and keeps awakening you will see yourself reflected all around you, and you will only meet what you carry within you. This is why changing your thoughts changes your reality.
You can't change the past, but you can change your thoughts. Every moment a new beginning starts. Every moment begins a new moment. As your consciousness expands you will see it manifest all around you.
Shared perfectly by Kristen Zambucka, "Our present experience is the result of past decisions...change your mind today, and you build your world of tomorrow. Your mind is your garden...tend it well,"
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