Cosmic Calabash is a space created to help inspire and support ALL who are willing to move through this great transformation and leap in consciousness on emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels. A space to share experiences and run out the doubt and embrace your magnificence.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Each of us that walks this Earth reaps the harvest of our thoughts. And if we want to change our harvest we must be willing to change our thoughts.

How we choose to respond to our life has everything to do with our continued perception. So, if one is troubled it is because they are refusing to see the gifts that the universe brings them everyday. No person can be miserable unless they choose to be.

Being grateful and having gratitude is seeing the love reflected in all things. To appreciate brings happiness, to depreciate brings unhappiness. You can feel how true this is in having just one grateful thought. Having gratitude supports your worthiness and abundance, on the other hand ungratefulness supports resentment and scarcity.

In every moment we have to decide whether we want to play the victim or stay in our knowing that the universe never gives us a bad gift and we accept that whatever comes our way brings value even if we can't see it at the moment. If you play victim you will not see the value and resent the gifts brought forward and see your experiences more as a punishment.

Now is the time as we create our new reality to shed our feelings of unworthiness, our resentments, our scarcity thinking, and embody more of our heart, our power, for there is only one world everlasting and that is the world of oneness. There, is no fear here, for there is no lack of love. There is no scarcity, for there is no lack of abundance. There is no resentment, for there is no lack of gratitude.

Love yourself and open the door to allow the channel of love and light to fill you, so that you may remember your magnificence.

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