One of the many interesting stages people move through during energy expansion, is spiritual significance.
I love to make jokes about this stage in particular because humor helps us to crack the door a little to allow awareness and observation of our egos' as integration of the heart and mind takes place.
If you are experiencing a stage of spiritual significance at this time, most likely you won't be aware of it, but others will, and you will be quite annoying to them.
Spiritual significance are ego defenses. At this stage the information and awareness released to the person of being multidimensional is trying to be embraced and an aligned with the being's body, so a knowing of their more true self is integrated. The problem is, the physical body isn't sure yet that this is truth, and the person starts to express everything as having to be the best or highest, and during this stage one feels as though everyone must get with their program because they hold the truth. It would be as if you were made aware through the mental body how grand you are, yet your physical body doesn't much buy it yet, so it takes some time to integrate this new information.
The physical body also has to shed guilt and incompetence, and this can express it's self to others as trying to manipulate them into one's own program and the person can start to adopt or follow specific spiritual rules trying to do things "right". More easily put, one can become for a time, to believe that they are getting to heaven and those other people aren't!
Basically, this is a stage of being aware that you are multidimensional, and everyone goes through it in different degrees at some point.
However for me,....this opens the door for a wonderful laugh of acceptance.
One of my best friends about 10 years ago, when I was moving through this stage, in anger, said to me..."why don't you come down off that pedestal of yours", and I said " Nope, took me too long to get up here!", and though we were both fuming, we broke down laughing.
We need this integration, however annoying for others, because it is acknowledgement of our multidimensional being.
Many times in this stage there will be differences of opinion about how healing, spirit, or God works, and any implication that the one moving through this stage doesn't know something is taken as an attack on their mastery, because remember in this stage one is becoming aware that they are a Divine being and has a Divine purpose and they do, but it's not about telling anyone what they "should be" doing.
One of the most amusing things that I hear a lot through the New Age community and of course not generalizing at all of course, because there are some are very progressed people in the New Age community, and would never say anything like this, is the idea that somehow that all the shifting of the planet taking place will magically pass over them, and only those unawakened or somehow lower will experience these painful expansions, ......the other...people. It's even more amusing due to the fact that many are shouting oneness, and yet...add a little pain to the mixture, they are out. Also you will hear the fact that they can manifest themselves out of here. Funny, this is a magnificent time and whoever stays gets a huge leap in consciousness by being involved in this evolution or birth throughout the many universes.
In my knowing, which could change of course, I don't believe but few have tapped into the power to truly manifest and that is because, most are not pure in thought. It is my experience, that power or more love which is your power is released in intervals and this ability to manifest is not released but in intervals, which I think is a good thing, since many are unaware of their thoughts. There is a protection placed, a stop, or most people would manifest a HUGE mess, breaking universal law, after universal law.
Below I leave you with the ancient Kahuna teaching of manifestation, but remember, we are all one, we are moving from a space that is dual in nature, to a space of oneness. Leave the need to know and walk through the door.
(Making The Seed)
Form a clear unwavering picture in your mind...of the condition or object you desire.
Be very careful of the details of your picture for the subconscious mind that will receive it is sharply accurate...
and you will get the exact replica of what you envisage.
Forget the old condition entirely...let it fall away from your mind.
Clearly see the new desired state.
Paint the picture carefully inside your head...and resist any changing of your mind.
Act then as if you had already received the condition for which you asked.
Feel it already upon you with the love or joy or whatever emotion you would experience if it were so.
Act it out.
For this subconscious mind of which we speak...this unihipili is like a child.
It loves pictures and will respond also to any emotional surge you project to it.
Daily thereafter gather mana by taking four deep breaths and offer it as a gift to the God within you.
Then after this offering each day, recall the "seed picture" of your desire and offer it anew also...to the same higher consciousness within you.
This practice will strength in the picture and make it clearer as it nears the stage where it will take form.
Until your seed bears its fruit...hold it close to you as a secret...for any mention of its contents to another will spill its power to reach fruition.
Wash out all your doubts...they can so discourage the subconscious that the daily rite will be interrupted and your fruit will "wither on the vine."
This is the Kahuna way to manifest.
I hope you are responsible when manifesting and very clear when doing so.
Remember we are witnesses of a birth!! A birth that may not take place again for eons of time. This is a precious gift that we are all partaking in!!
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