When you give love to another it strengthens your love within, and withholding love moves you away from the knowing and experiencing of love.
It's much easier to love another when they are behaving and running their life to your liking then when a person is not running their life appropriately according to perhaps society norms or your beliefs, and in this instance its easy to turn away.
When a persons turns away from giving love or withholds love from another, they in turn hold love from their own being. So, what can you do? How can you give extend love without reinforcing the harmful behavior? You say yes to giving love, but no to having to meet ALL of another's demands. You say no to being pulled into the victim or saving roles. You don't judge them or separate in heart from them, in other words, you don't cast them away. You give love when listening to the person's fears. You don't reject them. You find acts of love that supports the both of you and let them know their need to be love is as important as yours and to continue to help the other hold their sense of self worth. You find a way to honor you both.
All people want and need love. Love is the fuel of our being and without it, a person won't live long, and this is when emotion, mental, or physical disease sets in as not enough energy is running the body. Think of the word disease... dis ease, there is dis ease in the being, a disruption, leaving the person in a state that is not peaceful.
As a Piscean, one of the strongest aspects is to know and learn that love has nothing to do with sacrifice. Though it sounds confusing, putting yourself last is not an act of love. Now on the other hand, saying no to everyone to protect yourself from the fears of intimacy isn't love either.
It's a fine balance between seeing how you reject others to keep a sense of self, and how you reject yourself in trying to keep friends and love ones close.
A person is authentic when they honor their truth, their experience. They stand in their truth and walk their talk. Not at all an easy to do. Only an authentic person is capable of intimacy and only a compassionate person is capable of being who they are.
All people want to be love and accepted for who they are and if you give them this opportunity this is the act of love and you will be a beacon of light to them.
The quote "keep your love ones close and your enemies closer", is a wise statement, for if you accept your enemies and keep them in your heart, in time, both will not be enemies. I am sure all of us can remember meeting a person that at first we didn't like and in time found that a strong bond formed.
We must remember in those times where emotions run high that we are not separate and being aware of other's worthiness is how we confirm our own.
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