Mana i ka pua
ua mohala malie.
(There is mana in the flower
that has blossomed slowly.)
Mana is universal energy. Mana is the energy that is the fuel of our life, and without it, we would not live.
Mana can not be labeled good or evil, because it "is". Mana can be used to create or destroy, keep order or create chaos. It is in all things, all kingdoms, mineral, plant, animal, element, human. Mana can be directed in flow and direction. The word Mana means "thought" but according to the code of the Kahuna it is soul and the soul is one mind, and so you are what you believe. Mana is also breathe and the mind. In Hawaiian the word breath is ha ,which means to exhale, or to breathe life upon.
There is a technique for increasing mana within your body and it is called Ha breathing. You exhale saying the word Ha and as you exhale you envision extending your breath outward into infinity, and hold this for a few seconds, then you inhale deeply, and start to extend your navel outward, hold this for a few seconds, and continue this until your mind relaxes and become calm.
Power comes to a person when they embody more of their heart and develop their talents over time. A person who is empowered makes things happen naturally. In increasing Mana you gain charisma to lead and inspire others and by increasing the Mana creates a stronger energy that pulls people to you. Breathing meditation is a way of increasing Mana and creates clearness of mind.
When your mind is calm you are able to see how your thoughts and your actions of yourself and others affect your energy and affect your experience. Calmess of body and clearness of vision allows you to connect with the universal supply of Mana. When you do breathing meditiation you open to the power of the universe through your breath and you are filled with Mana. When you are flowing with the universal forces Mana flows, and so your power.
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