"We all live many lives.
Even during our present span of days and nights...we may act out many roles.
We have all been all things, so never condemn another for what he or she may be.
Our circumstances may change...problems are presented...and complexes long buried may rise to the surface of the mind.
Some are hangovers from an endless past of struggles for survival."
"Know that there is a path to a higher consciousness within ourselves...
and you alone are the keeper of that path...a path that can be blocked by the events of life.
Make amends for the wrong you have done to others and rid yourselves of guilt.
Free yourselves from feelings of injustice...and injustice will no longer stalk you.
Your suffering is only caused by your thougts.
You are in charge of your mind...free it.
No difficulty has any power over you unless you give it that power.
Let past events fade away
and don't allow them to paint dark colors on your future."
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