To give love and feel compassion is something that comes naturally for a everyone. It's something that doesn't have to be learned. It is natural for a person to want to comfort and reach out to others. So, why is it that we put so many conditions on love, have so many definitions, and so many ideas of what we think love is?
I once heard a person tell me that he knew he was ready to marry, when he know longer felt as if he needed his now wife, but he wanted her.
I felt this was such a profound statement and wise.
I believe the reason that we place so many conditions on love is because of the fear and the result of a belief that is carried within that we are not worthy of being loved through our Source and it comes from a perceived separation from Source and one another. Through our journey we are given experiences in our life to know we are loved through our Source, no matter what. Unconditionally. This remembering is the knowing of the pure state of the energy of love, which does not have conditions. The conditions that we place upon love are ideas of the mind.
We can not have a relationship with Source if we feel separate and unlovable nor hold these ideas taught through many religions of the world, that we are tainted, sinful, and unlovable and that we must do this or that before our Source will accept us back into the fold.
So here are 2 questions I present to you to ponder. Do you feel your Source rejects your being OR is it you who reject your Source with your ideas of not feeling perfect? Does your Source reject loving you OR do you reject your Source because you believe you are not worthy and perfect enough to be loved, or until you reach this higher state, a state which changes with the minds fancies?
There is lots of talk, books and teachings on the topic of awakening. I don't believe you can force someone to awaken. It happens as it does in nature, it's own time, own coding, and when a person is ready to remember oneness. Once the pain is so great in the experience of separation, then and only then will a person choose to awaken to what is familiar and the nature within their core, oneness. I also don't believe you can teach another how to love thy self.
As a person remembers and falls in love with thy self again, they will arise and know the preciousness of their being, and see the error of their beliefs which created the separateness from their Source from the beginning. This awakening and teaching usually occurs when pain is present, unfortunately, and this I believe is because we are willing at this point to realize that our own answers are not cutting it anymore.
When you are in a place of giving love without the conditions, which by the way is a difficult place to be all of the time just given the human conditioning, but when you are there, you will know because you are not attached to outcomes.
It will not feel as this is a natural place until you integrate and remember, and you certainly can't fool anyone or Source. I guess this is the surrender that must take place. Our will, verses Thy Will.
It really is our purpose here to give and accept love, even with the many gifts and talents one comes with and in these many experiences learning of the fuel of our being, the flame that gives us eternal life and the energy of love that all of creation is founded upon will we learn that Love's well is ever flowing. We learn our unlimitedness.
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