The universe teaches so much through our dreaming if we are aware and learn the language and uniqueness of our own dreams.
Our dreaming takes on many qualities and categories, lucid, precognitive, astral, and stress dreaming.
Sometimes some of the best teachings come through dreaming due to the fact our mind is out of the way, and we are in a state of empowerment and more wholeness in our being and able to embody the messages through our higher senses. We are in a state of allowing and not in a state of putting labels on what is brought to us.
One of the most profound lucid dreams I have had was the teaching and knowing throughout my being of the love that is felt between the our spirit and our physical vehicle. This love that was expressed in my dream was something that had to bypass the mind's knowing of love, and therefore left me with a tremendous gift to share.
The dream began as I was observing myself separate from my vehicle lying in a hospital bed, as if I was watching a movie. I saw myself get up from the bed and look out the window to the sun shining through the huge glass window. The interesting thing about this dream is that I went in and out of the body which enabled me to feel many senses and from many angles in my being.
I found myself back in the body, looking down at some papers left by the doctor on my condition. However, my attention was not focused so much on what was written there.
I suddenly being in my body, fell to the floor into a position of all fours. Everything went dark, and frightened my being said..."Are We dying?" and I heard in this darkness...."don't be frightened the light will come soon". But the feeling of my being was quite frightened for I had not felt familiar with this state.
Then, quickly came the light shining above my being, but within actually, however it appeared as the light came from above. My being was not afraid for this was familiar.
I then was transferred out of my being, enabling me to observe this experience and then what I saw next was the most amazing vision I have ever seen. I watched my spirit pull up and out of my back. It reminded me of the position of a tree when it bends in the wind. My spirit stood up, but did not face me for it was more concerned with attending to it's vehicle. I watched it attend to my physical vehicle, placing the lifeless part of my body in a position of my spirit's choosing.
As I observed this love, honor, respect, and tending my spirit had for it's own vehicle brought me to tears. They were more tears of joy...almost uncontrollable tears and heightened knowing, as I felt the energy of love take over. I understood. I understood the oneness and love that our vehicle provides for our spirit to experience through different lifetimes where form is needed.
It was the most beautiful love affair you could ever imagine I had the gift of witnessing, and it was my own union and writing this experience really does not bring justice to the experience.
I much rather express the story through the power of my words.
I continued to watch this higher union, at the same time trying to control the tremendous wave of emotion I was experiencing, this was not easy to do.
My spirit continued to stroke and pet my physical vehicle, as one would a love to the beloved, and within minutes my spirit took on more light and had to pull away, rising up and out of my site, yet, looking back at the the physical vehicle left on the floor behind for a time.
This was the ending of the dream. I awoke, with tears in my eyes, but with a tremendous knowing of not just the empty words of oneness, but a full remembering of the love from are original state where oneness is all we every knew. An energy of love so big, most impossible to express.
It left me with the knowing through many senses that our spirit, our flame, our life force, loves it's vehicle so much, that it weeps, as we weep when we are separated or we perceive separation from our love ones, but even greater.
I hope this sharing helps you to know of the importance of your physical vehicle. It was the chosen vehicle to embrace this tremendous life source...the I am. Honor it.
We send lots of time wishing it was different, better, more beautiful, and less time honoring this incredible part of our being, that seems so limited but plays such an important roll and that allows us to be chauffeured through this reality for eternal growth.
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