Many people through the years ask me if I can teach them how to tap into their intuition.
It sort of makes me pause, because it's such a natural thing we all come to the planet with, however due to programming many get stuck in the non-belief and the doubting that they have this natural ability. They want proof or the mind wants proof.
Everyone has intuition, and psychic ability, to the what extent they choose to develop it and depending on the agreements one has made before coming to the planet and the experiences you need to grow, will determine whether you do well in those types of healing and psychic fields and adding to this having great commitment and a yearning to have a relationship with one's Source and embody the wholeness and heart, which is the God that they are, is a life long commitment. It would seem as though most would want this, but this path is not for everyone, and it is not an easy path at all and most are not here to integrate the selves. Most are working with integrating the lower and middle selves only, which is a big task in of itself.
Take for instance any other talent. Let's say...art. I would love to be a famous artist. I love art, and I enjoy drawing, but, I know that my destiny, and my agreements made before coming to the planet do not match up with the experiences I need to be a famous artist to further expand my being and therefore my agreements made before coming were not to experience being another Leonardo. Now, I may be staying with my agreements to be creative using art as a healing tool, since the healing arts seems to come very naturally for me personally.
It really is no different then any other talent or ability, it just is more mysterious and intriguing to the mind because it can't figure out how intuititon works. Another example for instance, I might like to be an astronaut, but perhaps being an astronaut does not give me the growth I need to expand my being, and therefore it's not my nature and make up to be an astronaut in this particular form. Perhaps, I have already been this at some point Or I am this on another parallel reality.
Most people poo poo things that they can't understand because they haven't researched for themselves that some things that seem beyond the mind's belief can and do already exist. Such as extraterrestials, life on other planets, or even technology that seems Star Trek like. If they attended some of the conferences for new technology, they would be blown away. There was a time that our cell phones were big as a shoe. We would never at that time thought our cell phones would be so small.
As I was trying to say from the beginning very few come to be true healers or guides and it's no different then not all coming to be Yoga teachers or famous artists or great business people. But, all have healing abilities and all have intuitive abilities if one wants to make the commitment to use them.
I equate it to a person who has many programs on their computer, and some they just don't choose to open or learn them, they are there, sitting, waiting and they may not be used but very little.
It is a very natural process to tap into your intuitive abilities. First, attention is needed. Attention, and for those that are strongly connected already, you'd remember a timing of spirit, when you had to surrender or you had run out of answers and cried until you couldn't cry any more, in other words, a door opens, a door opens in your heart to allow your being to listen, and this is when you hear a voice within yourself and it becomes known to you that it's always been there, you just never opened the program. As your attention becomes greater on this voice, it becomes clearer and you start to notice that the guidance it is giving you is very accurate. It only is wrong when you step into the need for a particular outcome or the emotional body, or being emotionally attached, and then the messages can become unclear. The more you listen, the more you become close friends with your inner voice, and just like a friend you learn trust, love, and depend on it's guidance a relationship is born, and one that is never broken. When in a state of not being clear it is good to have another who is connected validate you, which helps run the doubt out and gives you clearer guidance.
This inner voice, is the voice of your God self. This is your voice from afar, that is whole and all knowing and in an image of the Creator.
This inner voice will teach you the laws of the universe, because you know them well. You will meet with what we put out, and we get what we give to the same degree, as like always attracts like.
It is if you are hitting a ball against the wall, and it keeps returning, everything returns in order for you to understand and learn to be a more responsible creator. The good that we do returns to us, the kindness we give, is returned to us, the compassion for others in pain, is returned to us when we need sympathy, the lies we tell, are returned to us by others telling us lies, or cheating another, is returned to us by being cheated, and no one can escape the laws of the universe.
Intuition isn't only given to those that want to operate in their more expanded means. People who for example rob banks, can use their intuition as well. However, when a person uses their gifts to intend harm, then they compromise their spiritual growth, their being. Their being is stunted. To some, this might not seem like much of a punishment, but it is huge, for they are farther from the oneness and it could take eons in the beings timeline to get back on track. We as beings do want to naturally come back to Creator, for we are always looking for the address and phone number of Creator. Good thing it's in us!
Other doubts that come up regarding intuition are when circumstances in your life turns out differently than what your little voice within told you. This certainly can happen, for many reasons, sometimes your in the emotional body and attached to an outcome, sometimes you don't get to see the outcome fully, and yes, you can be wrong, because being wrong put you on the path closer to your agreements. However, most people have the tendency to focus on how wrong something is verses right, and this also happens when taking into account your intuition. If you are operating at about 80 percent accurate, that's pretty darn good! No one is 100% accurate due to the fact that energy shifts and changes.
Intuition expresses itself differently for everyone. I started out clairaudient, this was my strongest sense, then I started having visions and flashes of pictures, and all along I was very empathic. I also started easily doing astral work and travel but these senses didn't come all at once.
Everyone has a stronger sense, and some people never have all three, so don't stress yourself if you happen to be more of a feeler person, and you just can't seem to have pictures. It doesn't matter. All that matters is the connection and getting good guidance through your higher self. Having one sense isn't better than another.
Here is the secret to connection. Your relationship with your God, Goddess, Source, whatever you want to call it. Your Source is like the lover, and if you create a relationship such as this with your Source, you will find you will have all the guidance you need. Unfortunately, most won't do this unless tragedy strikes them.
Having a relationship with your Source in a spiritual sense, not religious sense.
I learned very young, and was set up to learn very young, that the only permanence I would ever know was the permanence of my God or Source and as soon as I realized this, I started working on my relationship with my God. This is when my expanded senses started to open.
Now that you know the secret...get to it, create that relationship with your God. Communicate with your God morning and evening and all the time, it's no different than calling that friend or share with a friend.
"We are all on a spiral path.
No growth takes place in a straight line.
There will be shadows, but they will be balanced by patches of light
and fountains of joy as we grow and progress.
Awareness of the pattern is all you need to sustain you along the way....
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