Cosmic Calabash is a space created to help inspire and support ALL who are willing to move through this great transformation and leap in consciousness on emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels. A space to share experiences and run out the doubt and embrace your magnificence.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Getting the Selves Together

The key to having your 3 selves work together is love. When a relationship of love is established all 3 selves feel loved and valued, which helps the being along their path.
It is most important to work with the everyday emotions that come up through the Lower self, Identifying and processing the emotions and allowing your Middle self to analyze, observe and use it's logic without going over the line. As the 3 selves flow together and become one and the Middle self determines the direction the being will go, the Lower self manifests, and the Higher self gives the Divine guidance, and transformation slowly takes place as the 3 selves are woven together in love.
In matters of mana, the 3 selves must work together to gather, take in, direct and use it. When one tries to "will" something to happen through the Middle self, they will see how hard this is. Or wanting something to happen on an emotional level (with the Lower self, alone) will not bring it into reality, because there is no mana to create a new physical reality. In Huna, intention and mana go hand in hand to get the effect you desire. This formula consists of; stating your intention clearly (Middle self), free the Lower self from beliefs that hinder it; gather the mana through the breath, and manifesting can take place.
In prior post, I wrote about the steps to manifesting.
Mana is gathered everyday from the food you eat, drink, air you breathe. The mana is used to bring power to the Lower Self and it must be replenished daily. Any excess mana goes to manifesting your goals and this is done from the Higher self level. In order for the Lower self to be able to gather mana and to run a healthy body and manifest in the physical world it must not have mana depleted by stress, crippling emotions , excessive physical drains. Illness also can be the result of low mana, as the vibration of the germs are higher than the bodies vibration.
Mana cannot flow from the Lower self when there is a blocked path due to a limiting attitude or assumption, or conflict held by the Lower self. Energy flows like a channel, and if there is an obstacle, such as an idea or belief this can block the path of energy. Example might be that one has a negative belief about money that might have been established in childhood which blocks you from prosperity. Once the belief is identified, other awareness can come such as the holding of guilt about a particular situation and once the belief is cleared the channel opens for the mana to flow, producing opportunities for money.
To accumulate mana you can do the deep Ha breathing, or you can even absorb it through nature, such as taking a walk in the woods, near an ocean, or hiking in the mountains. Certain sounds and music gather mana. Whatever enhances the body increases mana. Eating healthy, exercising, meditation, positive thinking. Having meaningful work, having a good relationship with people around you and being of service all gather mana. Of course drugs, poor diet, alcohol, stress negativity drains the being of mana.
The goal of the kahuna was to guard their mana so it could be used for healing and protection. Kahunas know the importance of building and conserving mana and many lived in isolation where they could spend time praying and gathering mana.
Once you accumulate a good deal of mana the mana is stored in the body and manifests as physical vigor and good mental attitude or can be directed to flow into another for healing, an animal, tree, or even for the world.
Mana can also be stored into substances to make a talisman. It can be directed into metals, stones, wood , salt which charges it, and oils. Stones can become powerful healing tools and protective tools.
Being successful in Huna involves gathering mana everyday and eliminating obstacles to free the passage among the Selves.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The 3 selves

The Middle self (the parent), is the self that is conscious, can reason, uses logic, makes the decisions. You would feel most familiar with this self, for it is the one that is experienced in the head. This self is to keep an ongoing inner monologue of thoughts and words. The Middle self is more the parent of your family which would set goals for the family, and uses intellect. It analyzes and evaluates. It works with the outside world based on the data that it has downloaded. It can feel love and emotions, but mostly operates in logic. The Middle self helps the Lower self (child) rationalize things, for when you see a person where the Middle self has been run out of the body, you find much mental illness, due to the fact that there is basically a child left alone within the being with no parenting.
Many people have a strong Middle self. It would be those that would come across as "in the head", they are brilliant, but don't have good sense and their wisdom or practicality are not developed. Many people look up to them as being bright, as interesting as that is. Some people come to work with this self, for perhaps it hasn't been as developed in other periods or there is a wound there that needs to be cleared.
The Middle self does have the tendency to believe it is running the body and feels separate from the other selves, as it can have it's own agendas. But, it is very limited and needs the Lower self to access information that it can not understand, such as love, or Source.
The Middle self is most important as all the selves are. It keeps the Lower self safe and connected in to the outer world, or for instance the Lower self might remember a time when the being did not have form and could fly, and therefore the Middle self would remind the Lower self that this would not be a wise decision to try to fly off the roof. As the Middle self with sees the wisdom in integrating with the Lower self, or acknowledging it, it sees that the being is able to operate at a much more of an expanded functioning. The Middle self needs the Lower self and the Lower self needs the Middle. You the Middle self, learn to parent your child within.
The Lower Self (child)
Runs the whole body, organs, nervous system, immune system, senses, memory, instinct survival, emotions etc... It takes information from it's parent (Middle self) on the environment of the being. The Lower self is always awake and active. It loves to serve the parent or Middle self, however, as in a family sometimes it will not cooperate if the Lower self feels something is not moral. It is the one that speaks to the Source, so it is the one that makes sure the selves are in a right place, and a place of pureness. The Lower self, holds past lives, really the talents and gifts of the being. It holds and utilizes the life force or mana to perform all functions. It learns through repetition. It moves toward pleasure verse pain, therefore habits are formed in the Lower self. It also feels shame, guilt, fear, and hides these from the Middle self. Communication is done with pictures and symbols. It holds the love and love of self. Because it is referred to as the Lower self, there is nothing lower about it, for it is a powerful part of your beings make up. Getting to know your lower self, or child within and creating a dialog with this self is most important for happiness. What I find fascinating is that as we have our own children, we can see exactly how to work with our own child within. So, establishing a strong bond and relationship with your own child brings much awareness to the workings of your being. Any problems or issues must be worked out in this self and exploring and eliminating blocks, assumptions and fears within your lower self leads to the accumulation of mana.
Higher Self (Grandparent)
I call the Higher Self the grandparent self. It is dual in nature having both masculine and feminine poles. It is the beings God within. Its trustworthy and paired with spirit. It is your connection to your higher source. It is the guide and is not easily accessed for some for this reason. It functions with spirit guides, angels, guardians etc... It has insight, absolute love, and inspiration. It is the healer, and its understanding unlimited. It will not interfere with the Middle and Lower selves until cooperation has been made. It works with Divine will and will only help when asked. When it is given through the Lower self the mana it can act with manifestation. It has the intuition. It will become involved when the being is in danger. It is the self that transforms the being. As long as communication does not become blocked by assumptions or fears from the Lower self it will be always available to help. Your Higher self always tells the truth and will lead the being when asked.
Now that you have been given a brief understanding of the 3 selves, you can learn more about them by observing. Watching your own family dynamics in your outer world will also give you clues as to the workings of your family within. For instance the Lower self or child is always in the present, as a child would in the outer world.
If you are feeling anxiety, sit for a moment and ask your child within what problem it is having. Ask your inner child its name, and learn to parent your child. As this is done, you will find there is a shift within your body to calmness, as your child is being listened too. Now, your Middle self can come in and counsel the child, as you would in the outer world. But remember, it will take a constant counseling because the child must be taught with repetition or it continues to repeat what it believes. Again no different from your own children. It will not respond well to punishment either and remember the lower self has the memory of the being.
The first focus would be in working together is to take time to and attention to the workings of the 3 selves through observing different people in your outer world, or the dynamics in your own family. You might observe a person who appears more logical or those who ignore the Higher self wisdom or promptings, or those that are very focused on the material and things which would be the imbalance of the Lower self or a person who denies the body, which would be an imbalance in the Higher self.
Know thy selves, and watch your life shift! ♥

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Huna, Spiritual Knowledge

During these times of expansion I decided to write about a system called Huna that would help those through their life and their transitions.

Working in the alternative field, I just can't say enough about Huna and how the learning of the ancients can change your life.

In the next blogs my focus will be to share information on the knowledge of Huna for those who wish to continue in learning. Huna means secret, and its core is Hawaiian.
The concept of Aloha is at the heart of Huna, which expresses that everything responds to love, compassion and kindness. It connects us to our God self.

Balance is also a concept of Huna and for your life to be flowing in its expanded form it is necessary to work to achieve. This balance relates to all parts of nature, elements, and all things. Balance also speaks of our yin and yang, our male and female aspects which bring harmony. To the Hawaiians for someone to throw things out of balance was looked upon as a violation or what the Hawaiians call Kapu. To the individual this could create bad luck, illness, or unhappiness, until the person made right. When an imbalance would take place the Kahuna would look to find the source and when it was discovered the Kahuna would work using nature, elements and spirit to restore balance.

Another basic concept of Huna is the breath, called Ha breath, meaning breath of life, life force. When a Kahuna would transition he or she would pass on their knowledge through the breathe, by breathing into the student. Many pass the Mana (life force) on to the family member by breathing into the mouth or top of the head. This transference can also be done to objects. So, the breath is a core practice in Huna.

The word Kahuna in old Hawaii was defined as a master/expert in some field. There were medical Kahunas, ship building Kahunas, massage, surfing, poetry, story telling, prophecy Kahunas, etc... The individual was trained in a particular field for many many years. In more present day the word Kahuna is used more in reference to a spiritual teacher, as would a shaman, or priest.

Kahuna knowledge was kept in secret and passed orally to students who were selected for their natural gifts and abilities. There are different variations of practices due to the particular lineage. Each Kahuna had their own guide or God called an Aumakua. So, Kahuna teaching will differ depending on family line but will hold all the same core beliefs.

After the Christian missionaries came to Hawaii, the Kahuna practices were made illegal, and therefore the Hawaiians did not want to share the knowledge due possible imprisonment and some other reasons. Many of the teachings were lost and stay hidden with some of the families.

The concept of Huna is dialoging with the 3 selves within, which can bring an individual to balance, resolution , releasing of emotional blocks and to well-being.

The study of Huna helps one who is ready to take responsibility for their life and wishes to expand to their higher level of being.

The focus today is on the medical Kahuna, who uses him or/herself as a bridge between worlds. The Kahuna's believe that a cause of sickness could come from one's own actions, outside, a curse or from problems in the family and therefore if one is sick in the family, all are treated. The belief is that there is no separation between a problem in the body, mind or emotions.
In Huna there are 3 selves or minds, low, middle, and Higher self. To give you an idea of the family within, the lower self might be considered the child or unconscious mind, the middle self might be considered the parent or conscious mind, and the Higher self might be considered the super conscious or grandparent. When the selves are all flow and are working with each other you find that manifestation can take hold and there is balance and harmony. It is most important that this balance be had for well being and happiness. If one self is not recognized or ignored, problems start, illness and dysfunction. Understanding how the selves relate to each other is the basis of Huna and working them all into communication. It is much like being in a family in the material world, very much the same workings and problems go on.
There are different places in your body that these selves can be felt, the Lower self can be felt in the solar plexus, the Middle self, in the head, and the Higher self, above the body.
Here is another example of the importance of knowing the selves within. Lets say you want to learn a new language. Your Middle self, (parent) will be all about that, your Lower self (child) will find it not very fun at all because it like to play, Your Higher self (grandparent) will not get involved until the two Lower and Middle selves come to agreement. So, for instance you make a commitment to learn a new language, open your book, and you start to drift off to sleep. You might not understand what is going on for each time you go to read and learn you just can't seem to stay awake. This is because the Lower self (child), runs the body, and child and parent don't always agree on what needs to be done. If you have children, then you know it is very hard to force a child to do anything unless you are able to rationalize the situation for them. So, a solution to your problem might be to recognize that this learning a new language need to be made fun in order for the Lower self to cooperate. As you might with your own children, some people allow them to play first, but homework must be done at a certain time, or the reverse. Once the Lower self has a agreement with the Middle self, what you'll find is magical. You spend sometime doing a fun activity, or make a game out of learning and you realize you are no longer falling asleep and this is because the two selves are now cooperating. Once the two selves are cooperating, now the Higher self or grandparent can step in to add the finishing manifestation and helps keep you to your agreements you have made before coming to the planet. This is just a simplification of how the process works of course.
Huna is a life long learning and way of living, so it is not something that can be learned or read about to "get".
My next blog will give more information on the selves and their workings. I hope that this will encourage people to look in to Huna to benefit them during these special times!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Mana i ka pua
ua mohala malie.
(There is mana in the flower
that has blossomed slowly.)
Mana is universal energy. Mana is the energy that is the fuel of our life, and without it, we would not live.
Mana can not be labeled good or evil, because it "is". Mana can be used to create or destroy, keep order or create chaos. It is in all things, all kingdoms, mineral, plant, animal, element, human. Mana can be directed in flow and direction. The word Mana means "thought" but according to the code of the Kahuna it is soul and the soul is one mind, and so you are what you believe. Mana is also breathe and the mind. In Hawaiian the word breath is ha ,which means to exhale, or to breathe life upon.
There is a technique for increasing mana within your body and it is called Ha breathing. You exhale saying the word Ha and as you exhale you envision extending your breath outward into infinity, and hold this for a few seconds, then you inhale deeply, and start to extend your navel outward, hold this for a few seconds, and continue this until your mind relaxes and become calm.
Power comes to a person when they embody more of their heart and develop their talents over time. A person who is empowered makes things happen naturally. In increasing Mana you gain charisma to lead and inspire others and by increasing the Mana creates a stronger energy that pulls people to you. Breathing meditation is a way of increasing Mana and creates clearness of mind.
When your mind is calm you are able to see how your thoughts and your actions of yourself and others affect your energy and affect your experience. Calmess of body and clearness of vision allows you to connect with the universal supply of Mana. When you do breathing meditiation you open to the power of the universe through your breath and you are filled with Mana. When you are flowing with the universal forces Mana flows, and so your power.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rainbow Warriors

In Hawaiian mythology the rainbow is
sacred because it is believed that this is the path taken between worlds.
It was taught that the rainbow carried messages from the world of spirit to the world of death.
Death was considered transformation to the ancients and that the soul must take this path in order to move between the Earth and to expanded realms of the ancestors.
Those of us that can move back and forth between these worlds are considered Gods who live in human form as they enjoy their life on Earth.
Rainbow Warriors are those that are connected by the flame , or that which is spiritual , which stand for equality, love and love of the Earth. They are those who are willing to fight doubt, fear, artificial status, in order to walk the path.
People of the Rainbow Family are from all walks of life, who remember the ancient wisdom of all cultures, and use this wisdom to have those remember the laws of oneness and they will teach the wisdom of oneness to those that can not remember.
It is the time for all to allow the light to shine upon any parts of ourselves that do not express oneness.
We are all undergoing transformation, expansion, and the embracing of more heart, which is our true power and being.
It is good to remember during stormy times the rainbow is present behind the clouds.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


To give love and feel compassion is something that comes naturally for a everyone. It's something that doesn't have to be learned. It is natural for a person to want to comfort and reach out to others. So, why is it that we put so many conditions on love, have so many definitions, and so many ideas of what we think love is?

I once heard a person tell me that he knew he was ready to marry, when he know longer felt as if he needed his now wife, but he wanted her.

I felt this was such a profound statement and wise.

I believe the reason that we place so many conditions on love is because of the fear and the result of a belief that is carried within that we are not worthy of being loved through our Source and it comes from a perceived separation from Source and one another. Through our journey we are given experiences in our life to know we are loved through our Source, no matter what. Unconditionally. This remembering is the knowing of the pure state of the energy of love, which does not have conditions. The conditions that we place upon love are ideas of the mind.

We can not have a relationship with Source if we feel separate and unlovable nor hold these ideas taught through many religions of the world, that we are tainted, sinful, and unlovable and that we must do this or that before our Source will accept us back into the fold.

So here are 2 questions I present to you to ponder. Do you feel your Source rejects your being OR is it you who reject your Source with your ideas of not feeling perfect? Does your Source reject loving you OR do you reject your Source because you believe you are not worthy and perfect enough to be loved, or until you reach this higher state, a state which changes with the minds fancies?

There is lots of talk, books and teachings on the topic of awakening. I don't believe you can force someone to awaken. It happens as it does in nature, it's own time, own coding, and when a person is ready to remember oneness. Once the pain is so great in the experience of separation, then and only then will a person choose to awaken to what is familiar and the nature within their core, oneness. I also don't believe you can teach another how to love thy self.

As a person remembers and falls in love with thy self again, they will arise and know the preciousness of their being, and see the error of their beliefs which created the separateness from their Source from the beginning. This awakening and teaching usually occurs when pain is present, unfortunately, and this I believe is because we are willing at this point to realize that our own answers are not cutting it anymore.

When you are in a place of giving love without the conditions, which by the way is a difficult place to be all of the time just given the human conditioning, but when you are there, you will know because you are not attached to outcomes.
It will not feel as this is a natural place until you integrate and remember, and you certainly can't fool anyone or Source. I guess this is the surrender that must take place. Our will, verses Thy Will.

It really is our purpose here to give and accept love, even with the many gifts and talents one comes with and in these many experiences learning of the fuel of our being, the flame that gives us eternal life and the energy of love that all of creation is founded upon will we learn that Love's well is ever flowing. We learn our unlimitedness.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Wisdom In Dreams

The universe teaches so much through our dreaming if we are aware and learn the language and uniqueness of our own dreams.

Our dreaming takes on many qualities and categories, lucid, precognitive, astral, and stress dreaming.

Sometimes some of the best teachings come through dreaming due to the fact our mind is out of the way, and we are in a state of empowerment and more wholeness in our being and able to embody the messages through our higher senses. We are in a state of allowing and not in a state of putting labels on what is brought to us.

One of the most profound lucid dreams I have had was the teaching and knowing throughout my being of the love that is felt between the our spirit and our physical vehicle. This love that was expressed in my dream was something that had to bypass the mind's knowing of love, and therefore left me with a tremendous gift to share.

The dream began as I was observing myself separate from my vehicle lying in a hospital bed, as if I was watching a movie. I saw myself get up from the bed and look out the window to the sun shining through the huge glass window. The interesting thing about this dream is that I went in and out of the body which enabled me to feel many senses and from many angles in my being.

I found myself back in the body, looking down at some papers left by the doctor on my condition. However, my attention was not focused so much on what was written there.

I suddenly being in my body, fell to the floor into a position of all fours. Everything went dark, and frightened my being said..."Are We dying?" and I heard in this darkness...."don't be frightened the light will come soon". But the feeling of my being was quite frightened for I had not felt familiar with this state.

Then, quickly came the light shining above my being, but within actually, however it appeared as the light came from above. My being was not afraid for this was familiar.

I then was transferred out of my being, enabling me to observe this experience and then what I saw next was the most amazing vision I have ever seen. I watched my spirit pull up and out of my back. It reminded me of the position of a tree when it bends in the wind. My spirit stood up, but did not face me for it was more concerned with attending to it's vehicle. I watched it attend to my physical vehicle, placing the lifeless part of my body in a position of my spirit's choosing.
As I observed this love, honor, respect, and tending my spirit had for it's own vehicle brought me to tears. They were more tears of joy...almost uncontrollable tears and heightened knowing, as I felt the energy of love take over. I understood. I understood the oneness and love that our vehicle provides for our spirit to experience through different lifetimes where form is needed.
It was the most beautiful love affair you could ever imagine I had the gift of witnessing, and it was my own union and writing this experience really does not bring justice to the experience.
I much rather express the story through the power of my words.

I continued to watch this higher union, at the same time trying to control the tremendous wave of emotion I was experiencing, this was not easy to do.

My spirit continued to stroke and pet my physical vehicle, as one would a love to the beloved, and within minutes my spirit took on more light and had to pull away, rising up and out of my site, yet, looking back at the the physical vehicle left on the floor behind for a time.

This was the ending of the dream. I awoke, with tears in my eyes, but with a tremendous knowing of not just the empty words of oneness, but a full remembering of the love from are original state where oneness is all we every knew. An energy of love so big, most impossible to express.

It left me with the knowing through many senses that our spirit, our flame, our life force, loves it's vehicle so much, that it weeps, as we weep when we are separated or we perceive separation from our love ones, but even greater.

I hope this sharing helps you to know of the importance of your physical vehicle. It was the chosen vehicle to embrace this tremendous life source...the I am. Honor it.

We send lots of time wishing it was different, better, more beautiful, and less time honoring this incredible part of our being, that seems so limited but plays such an important roll and that allows us to be chauffeured through this reality for eternal growth.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Giving Love

When you give love to another it strengthens your love within, and withholding love moves you away from the knowing and experiencing of love.

It's much easier to love another when they are behaving and running their life to your liking then when a person is not running their life appropriately according to perhaps society norms or your beliefs, and in this instance its easy to turn away.
When a persons turns away from giving love or withholds love from another, they in turn hold love from their own being. So, what can you do? How can you give extend love without reinforcing the harmful behavior? You say yes to giving love, but no to having to meet ALL of another's demands. You say no to being pulled into the victim or saving roles. You don't judge them or separate in heart from them, in other words, you don't cast them away. You give love when listening to the person's fears. You don't reject them. You find acts of love that supports the both of you and let them know their need to be love is as important as yours and to continue to help the other hold their sense of self worth. You find a way to honor you both.
All people want and need love. Love is the fuel of our being and without it, a person won't live long, and this is when emotion, mental, or physical disease sets in as not enough energy is running the body. Think of the word disease... dis ease, there is dis ease in the being, a disruption, leaving the person in a state that is not peaceful.

As a Piscean, one of the strongest aspects is to know and learn that love has nothing to do with sacrifice. Though it sounds confusing, putting yourself last is not an act of love. Now on the other hand, saying no to everyone to protect yourself from the fears of intimacy isn't love either.

It's a fine balance between seeing how you reject others to keep a sense of self, and how you reject yourself in trying to keep friends and love ones close.

A person is authentic when they honor their truth, their experience. They stand in their truth and walk their talk. Not at all an easy to do. Only an authentic person is capable of intimacy and only a compassionate person is capable of being who they are.

All people want to be love and accepted for who they are and if you give them this opportunity this is the act of love and you will be a beacon of light to them.

The quote "keep your love ones close and your enemies closer", is a wise statement, for if you accept your enemies and keep them in your heart, in time, both will not be enemies. I am sure all of us can remember meeting a person that at first we didn't like and in time found that a strong bond formed.
We must remember in those times where emotions run high that we are not separate and being aware of other's worthiness is how we confirm our own.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Many people through the years ask me if I can teach them how to tap into their intuition.

It sort of makes me pause, because it's such a natural thing we all come to the planet with, however due to programming many get stuck in the non-belief and the doubting that they have this natural ability. They want proof or the mind wants proof.

Everyone has intuition, and psychic ability, to the what extent they choose to develop it and depending on the agreements one has made before coming to the planet and the experiences you need to grow, will determine whether you do well in those types of healing and psychic fields and adding to this having great commitment and a yearning to have a relationship with one's Source and embody the wholeness and heart, which is the God that they are, is a life long commitment. It would seem as though most would want this, but this path is not for everyone, and it is not an easy path at all and most are not here to integrate the selves. Most are working with integrating the lower and middle selves only, which is a big task in of itself.

Take for instance any other talent. Let's I would love to be a famous artist. I love art, and I enjoy drawing, but, I know that my destiny, and my agreements made before coming to the planet do not match up with the experiences I need to be a famous artist to further expand my being and therefore my agreements made before coming were not to experience being another Leonardo. Now, I may be staying with my agreements to be creative using art as a healing tool, since the healing arts seems to come very naturally for me personally.

It really is no different then any other talent or ability, it just is more mysterious and intriguing to the mind because it can't figure out how intuititon works. Another example for instance, I might like to be an astronaut, but perhaps being an astronaut does not give me the growth I need to expand my being, and therefore it's not my nature and make up to be an astronaut in this particular form. Perhaps, I have already been this at some point Or I am this on another parallel reality.

Most people poo poo things that they can't understand because they haven't researched for themselves that some things that seem beyond the mind's belief can and do already exist. Such as extraterrestials, life on other planets, or even technology that seems Star Trek like. If they attended some of the conferences for new technology, they would be blown away. There was a time that our cell phones were big as a shoe. We would never at that time thought our cell phones would be so small.

As I was trying to say from the beginning very few come to be true healers or guides and it's no different then not all coming to be Yoga teachers or famous artists or great business people. But, all have healing abilities and all have intuitive abilities if one wants to make the commitment to use them.

I equate it to a person who has many programs on their computer, and some they just don't choose to open or learn them, they are there, sitting, waiting and they may not be used but very little.

It is a very natural process to tap into your intuitive abilities. First, attention is needed. Attention, and for those that are strongly connected already, you'd remember a timing of spirit, when you had to surrender or you had run out of answers and cried until you couldn't cry any more, in other words, a door opens, a door opens in your heart to allow your being to listen, and this is when you hear a voice within yourself and it becomes known to you that it's always been there, you just never opened the program. As your attention becomes greater on this voice, it becomes clearer and you start to notice that the guidance it is giving you is very accurate. It only is wrong when you step into the need for a particular outcome or the emotional body, or being emotionally attached, and then the messages can become unclear. The more you listen, the more you become close friends with your inner voice, and just like a friend you learn trust, love, and depend on it's guidance a relationship is born, and one that is never broken. When in a state of not being clear it is good to have another who is connected validate you, which helps run the doubt out and gives you clearer guidance.

This inner voice, is the voice of your God self. This is your voice from afar, that is whole and all knowing and in an image of the Creator.

This inner voice will teach you the laws of the universe, because you know them well. You will meet with what we put out, and we get what we give to the same degree, as like always attracts like.

It is if you are hitting a ball against the wall, and it keeps returning, everything returns in order for you to understand and learn to be a more responsible creator. The good that we do returns to us, the kindness we give, is returned to us, the compassion for others in pain, is returned to us when we need sympathy, the lies we tell, are returned to us by others telling us lies, or cheating another, is returned to us by being cheated, and no one can escape the laws of the universe.

Intuition isn't only given to those that want to operate in their more expanded means. People who for example rob banks, can use their intuition as well. However, when a person uses their gifts to intend harm, then they compromise their spiritual growth, their being. Their being is stunted. To some, this might not seem like much of a punishment, but it is huge, for they are farther from the oneness and it could take eons in the beings timeline to get back on track. We as beings do want to naturally come back to Creator, for we are always looking for the address and phone number of Creator. Good thing it's in us!
Other doubts that come up regarding intuition are when circumstances in your life turns out differently than what your little voice within told you. This certainly can happen, for many reasons, sometimes your in the emotional body and attached to an outcome, sometimes you don't get to see the outcome fully, and yes, you can be wrong, because being wrong put you on the path closer to your agreements. However, most people have the tendency to focus on how wrong something is verses right, and this also happens when taking into account your intuition. If you are operating at about 80 percent accurate, that's pretty darn good! No one is 100% accurate due to the fact that energy shifts and changes.
Intuition expresses itself differently for everyone. I started out clairaudient, this was my strongest sense, then I started having visions and flashes of pictures, and all along I was very empathic. I also started easily doing astral work and travel but these senses didn't come all at once.
Everyone has a stronger sense, and some people never have all three, so don't stress yourself if you happen to be more of a feeler person, and you just can't seem to have pictures. It doesn't matter. All that matters is the connection and getting good guidance through your higher self. Having one sense isn't better than another.
Here is the secret to connection. Your relationship with your God, Goddess, Source, whatever you want to call it. Your Source is like the lover, and if you create a relationship such as this with your Source, you will find you will have all the guidance you need. Unfortunately, most won't do this unless tragedy strikes them.
Having a relationship with your Source in a spiritual sense, not religious sense.
I learned very young, and was set up to learn very young, that the only permanence I would ever know was the permanence of my God or Source and as soon as I realized this, I started working on my relationship with my God. This is when my expanded senses started to open.
Now that you know the secret...get to it, create that relationship with your God. Communicate with your God morning and evening and all the time, it's no different than calling that friend or share with a friend.
"We are all on a spiral path.
No growth takes place in a straight line.
There will be shadows, but they will be balanced by patches of light
and fountains of joy as we grow and progress.
Awareness of the pattern is all you need to sustain you along the way....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mercury Goes Retrograde♥

Mercury went retrograde today, and for those that do not have but little knowing of astrology, well with Mercury in retrograde until May 11th, it has it's positives and negatives, as all things do of course.

This Mercury in retrograde is in the sign of Taurus, which means you have the energy on your side for planting and gardening.

Also during this particular retrograde the signs of Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, will be particularly affected by this energy, bringing introspection.

The two strong days that perhaps can give you some trouble where energies are at a peak are the 24th and 25th of April because of the Mercury/Mars square that weekend. So tread carefully, and pay attention to details.

The obstinacy and stubbornness of the bull (Taurus) which are characteristics also apply to this retrograde in the areas of travel, sales, communication, and all mental pursuits. Watch driving, and road rage.

During retrograde things tend to break down, allowing you the opportunity to be aware to get things in better working order and fixed. People tend to cancel appointments, reschedule, and cancel again. Be careful with your communication with loved ones. Many misunderstandings take place or mixed communication. If you are in school, double check to make sure the teacher received your papers, as this also goes for those at work. Many times during retrograde paper or important documents get mixed up or are never received. It's annoying for sure.

Retrograde is a time to assess, finish up projects that have already been started before Mercury went retrograde. It is not a time to start new, or sign contracts, jobs etc....

The energy of this retrograde picks up towards the later phase, so those that don't seem too affected at first, don't let your guard down.

The positive things about retrograde are that you are made aware of what's not working, and a time to take a breathe and be, before Mercury goes direct again.

Also, word of caution, 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after retrograde the energy is am pt up, so because it is May 11th, it can take some time for the energy to settle.

So, enjoy...and have patience, and don't try to fight the energy. Just accept that you may have to do some of the simplest things twice.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Other....People

One of the many interesting stages people move through during energy expansion, is spiritual significance.
I love to make jokes about this stage in particular because humor helps us to crack the door a little to allow awareness and observation of our egos' as integration of the heart and mind takes place.

If you are experiencing a stage of spiritual significance at this time, most likely you won't be aware of it, but others will, and you will be quite annoying to them.
Spiritual significance are ego defenses. At this stage the information and awareness released to the person of being multidimensional is trying to be embraced and an aligned with the being's body, so a knowing of their more true self is integrated. The problem is, the physical body isn't sure yet that this is truth, and the person starts to express everything as having to be the best or highest, and during this stage one feels as though everyone must get with their program because they hold the truth. It would be as if you were made aware through the mental body how grand you are, yet your physical body doesn't much buy it yet, so it takes some time to integrate this new information.

The physical body also has to shed guilt and incompetence, and this can express it's self to others as trying to manipulate them into one's own program and the person can start to adopt or follow specific spiritual rules trying to do things "right". More easily put, one can become for a time, to believe that they are getting to heaven and those other people aren't!
Basically, this is a stage of being aware that you are multidimensional, and everyone goes through it in different degrees at some point.

However for me,....this opens the door for a wonderful laugh of acceptance.
One of my best friends about 10 years ago, when I was moving through this stage, in anger, said to me..."why don't you come down off that pedestal of yours", and I said " Nope, took me too long to get up here!", and though we were both fuming, we broke down laughing.

We need this integration, however annoying for others, because it is acknowledgement of our multidimensional being.

Many times in this stage there will be differences of opinion about how healing, spirit, or God works, and any implication that the one moving through this stage doesn't know something is taken as an attack on their mastery, because remember in this stage one is becoming aware that they are a Divine being and has a Divine purpose and they do, but it's not about telling anyone what they "should be" doing.

One of the most amusing things that I hear a lot through the New Age community and of course not generalizing at all of course, because there are some are very progressed people in the New Age community, and would never say anything like this, is the idea that somehow that all the shifting of the planet taking place will magically pass over them, and only those unawakened or somehow lower will experience these painful expansions, ......the other...people. It's even more amusing due to the fact that many are shouting oneness, and yet...add a little pain to the mixture, they are out. Also you will hear the fact that they can manifest themselves out of here. Funny, this is a magnificent time and whoever stays gets a huge leap in consciousness by being involved in this evolution or birth throughout the many universes.

In my knowing, which could change of course, I don't believe but few have tapped into the power to truly manifest and that is because, most are not pure in thought. It is my experience, that power or more love which is your power is released in intervals and this ability to manifest is not released but in intervals, which I think is a good thing, since many are unaware of their thoughts. There is a protection placed, a stop, or most people would manifest a HUGE mess, breaking universal law, after universal law.

Below I leave you with the ancient Kahuna teaching of manifestation, but remember, we are all one, we are moving from a space that is dual in nature, to a space of oneness. Leave the need to know and walk through the door.


(Making The Seed)

Form a clear unwavering picture in your mind...of the condition or object you desire.

Be very careful of the details of your picture for the subconscious mind that will receive it is sharply accurate...
and you will get the exact replica of what you envisage.

Forget the old condition entirely...let it fall away from your mind.

Clearly see the new desired state.

Paint the picture carefully inside your head...and resist any changing of your mind.

Act then as if you had already received the condition for which you asked.

Feel it already upon you with the love or joy or whatever emotion you would experience if it were so.

Act it out.

For this subconscious mind of which we speak...this unihipili is like a child.

It loves pictures and will respond also to any emotional surge you project to it.

Daily thereafter gather mana by taking four deep breaths and offer it as a gift to the God within you.

Then after this offering each day, recall the "seed picture" of your desire and offer it anew the same higher consciousness within you.

This practice will strength in the picture and make it clearer as it nears the stage where it will take form.

Until your seed bears its fruit...hold it close to you as a secret...for any mention of its contents to another will spill its power to reach fruition.

Wash out all your doubts...they can so discourage the subconscious that the daily rite will be interrupted and your fruit will "wither on the vine."
This is the Kahuna way to manifest.

I hope you are responsible when manifesting and very clear when doing so.

Remember we are witnesses of a birth!! A birth that may not take place again for eons of time. This is a precious gift that we are all partaking in!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


"We all live many lives.
Even during our present span of days and nights...we may act out many roles.
We have all been all things, so never condemn another for what he or she may be.
Our circumstances may change...problems are presented...and complexes long buried may rise to the surface of the mind.
Some are hangovers from an endless past of struggles for survival."
"Know that there is a path to a higher consciousness within ourselves...
and you alone are the keeper of that path...a path that can be blocked by the events of life.
Make amends for the wrong you have done to others and rid yourselves of guilt.
Free yourselves from feelings of injustice...and injustice will no longer stalk you.
Your suffering is only caused by your thougts.
You are in charge of your it.
No difficulty has any power over you unless you give it that power.
Let past events fade away
and don't allow them to paint dark colors on your future."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Creating Our Own Speical Design

When I am given the gift of my path crossing with another, I marvel at all the many special designs that the universe has created within each individual, and at the same time saddened when the experiences we All have and need, take those we love and care about in a different direction.

When growing up, my best friends and I would laugh about wanting to get married and wanting to move next door to each other, so we could wave from window to window to one another. It's so natural really for all of us to want to be in oneness and when the valuable life experiences come a knocking, more often than not, separation time is near, and those once best friends inseparable in heart, hold a look within their eyes of a stranger.

With the expansion of energy, you may find this happening a lot, with family members, friends, relationships, and marriages, for everyone is aligning, adjusting and creating anew. We outgrow places, people and things as our calabash opens, and we need to let them go, for they don't belong to us. We may protest to the universe about breaking our alliances, but we are all always at the right place and the right time and with the right people for our experience. You might also find that as each align, these places, things and people return, step back in from time to time.

We are always in a place of rebirth, whether we are aware of it or not. We are like the serpent shedding the old worn out limited self, to embrace the more expanded new self that is to be born. This is an endless cycle, so we never die, we are only born.

Before our birth there is pain, and there is pain when we are reborn. There is pain before your new self emerges, of course not until all things in your life seem to fall apart to make way for the new. Your personal relationships transform to relationships that are run through spirit, and not identified with the personality any longer. You won't be able to wait for that daily phone call, for that phone will only ring when there is a prompting from spirit.

As the new you awakens, and keeps awakening you will see yourself reflected all around you, and you will only meet what you carry within you. This is why changing your thoughts changes your reality.

You can't change the past, but you can change your thoughts. Every moment a new beginning starts. Every moment begins a new moment. As your consciousness expands you will see it manifest all around you.

Shared perfectly by Kristen Zambucka, "Our present experience is the result of past decisions...change your mind today, and you build your world of tomorrow. Your mind is your garden...tend it well,"

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Middle Ground

Many believe that we should try to live without fear. That just scares me. I believe all emotions are important and there is a lot of growth that comes from learning to move through fear. I guess I am more about perhaps seeing and feeling it and again, moving through it. To me to believe you can live without fear would kind of be the same as one who wants to move beyond their humanness, which is their precious gift. I wouldn't try flying off a building just yet. I believe it's all about embracing and embodying your humanness. I believe by bringing love, acceptance or forgiveness to any situation is the spiritual experience.
Your spiritual experience is always in the moment. Everything takes place in order and in itself, so be willing to allow the movement to take place and move you, verses forcing.
Because we do not remember who we are completely most things we try to do for ourselves are not successful. Our perceptions are limited, including many of us with strong connections and intuitive gifts. We are limited in our self image and we do not feel completely the love that is felt for us from expanded realms. We might tap into this briefly or longer and different periods, but we have trouble staying there all the time, and this leaves us feeling as if we are missing something, and something to search for. But, we are whole now, and this is the illusion we work to see through. We must know our true worth to prosper and if we knew this in it's wholeness we would be grateful for where we are and what we have.
All of our thoughts prosper. Each thought puts out energy, positive or negative energy and our situation at any given time reflects this.
Just as we would have trouble living without fear, you can not make your negative thoughts go away by trying to think positive thoughts, actually by doing this you bring more attention to the negative thoughts. Just being aware of your negative thoughts and the power of emotion they carry, and being aware of them, will help you move though. As the saying, "watching yourself go by", or observing yourself.
Accept both positive and negative thoughts. and then you will not be in conflict by trying to make a choice between the two, which will only bring greater conflict. Love never chooses sides, it accepts both.
We say we know, and yet we find we only have a thread of truth. Maybe staying in the middle allows one to embrace both sides, which is more your like your God self. If you stay in the middle you will not impose your own meaning on the circumstances in your life, and because we do not know our worth, there will always be a feeling that crosses our thought path of punishment or scarcity. Maybe if we see our world from a middle space, a neutral space, we will see that our experiences are a tool of great value for our growth.
Let the Divine support you and try to resist interfering in the flow and workings. You give your life meaning, be it positive or negative, Oh! and also limitation.
When you find fault with something, you experience the dark, you experience the scarcity. When you feel gratitude in a particular situation, you feel happiness and joy.
To release others and forgive yourself from judgments is the greatest power you can know in your being, except perhaps love. Forgiveness removes fear and allows for love to stay. Everytime you forgive, a condition is dissolved that has stopped you from your own capacity to love. Everytime you forgive, you embody more of your heart, which is your power.
This will bring you peace, this will bring you home.
To practice forgiveness is not about getting you to heaven, but for you to experience a sense of heaven now, in form.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Each of us that walks this Earth reaps the harvest of our thoughts. And if we want to change our harvest we must be willing to change our thoughts.

How we choose to respond to our life has everything to do with our continued perception. So, if one is troubled it is because they are refusing to see the gifts that the universe brings them everyday. No person can be miserable unless they choose to be.

Being grateful and having gratitude is seeing the love reflected in all things. To appreciate brings happiness, to depreciate brings unhappiness. You can feel how true this is in having just one grateful thought. Having gratitude supports your worthiness and abundance, on the other hand ungratefulness supports resentment and scarcity.

In every moment we have to decide whether we want to play the victim or stay in our knowing that the universe never gives us a bad gift and we accept that whatever comes our way brings value even if we can't see it at the moment. If you play victim you will not see the value and resent the gifts brought forward and see your experiences more as a punishment.

Now is the time as we create our new reality to shed our feelings of unworthiness, our resentments, our scarcity thinking, and embody more of our heart, our power, for there is only one world everlasting and that is the world of oneness. There, is no fear here, for there is no lack of love. There is no scarcity, for there is no lack of abundance. There is no resentment, for there is no lack of gratitude.

Love yourself and open the door to allow the channel of love and light to fill you, so that you may remember your magnificence.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oh! no! Initiation Time!!

With all the quickening and light coming in, don't think we all just get the candy without having to merge, mutate or mop up something, especially our outdated thinking, and lack of participation on some level, mental, emotional, physical or spiritual or better all three. Oh...yes! it's initiation time! Initiation....sounds exciting doesn't it? HA!! For those that have experienced the birth of a baby, well..initiation is kind of like that, before you can take in the joy of your new born self..there is a process!!

Now, you might hear different from a person in the metaphysical community about how wonderful initiation is, because most likely they have only read about it in a book and's wonderful after the birthing process is over. You won't hear any about it from me. Most people never have ever experienced a true energetic initiation, for if they have, they would relay to you something along these lines, Oh! you are going through an initiation? I'm so can I help you? You wouldn't hear, wow! that's cool! There is nothing cool about an energetic initiation! Most people might... might..., have experience one initiation in their lifetime, but if you are lucky or unfortunate depending on how you are looking at it as I, I have experienced three!! and some little ones...kind of like aftershocks you could say. I wanted to write about this today because many initiations will be happening during an expansion and an initiation is very profound, and can be very scary. Ask some of the old masters and Saints! I like to keep humor alive because our spiritual path takes on so many serious tones and humor is the way I honor and respect the universal processes.

With the increase in energy almost 1000 fold each each year, those that are meant to stay through the shift will most definitely experience some sort of initiation in order for them to be able to take in and integrate the energies without blowing a gasket. Many will be leaving the planet young and old to assist without the limitations of the physical, and even more after transitioning the planet will just continue the eternal process of growth in a dimension that is aligned perfectly with their being. Either way, we will all be observing more soul groups transitioning the planet. Though we will feel grateful to be alive, we may end up questioning our decisions to stay to Earth during these days, for what is to come is well....transformative to say the least? Remember, it's a process, and before the light, we will experience the dark aspects. I always thought about dark and light as if I were put into a closet never knowing what light is, and someone on the other side of the closet would be preparing me to experience light for the first time, could be terrifying, and then imagining just the opposite, only knowing light, and being thrown into a dark closet, again the unknowing could be terrifying. One thing the light and dark have in common is the unknowing, fear and lack of understanding about each other. Some believe the light always wins. Really, both created from Source and as the merge to oneness takes place, we will see through the illusion of this fear. This is why manifesting is such a gift and tool, and your connections need be solid with spirit and the God that you are. Running out our doubt, can't be stated strong enough. The doubt keeps us from embracing our magnificence.

There will be so many new opportunities and creating taking place and all will align themselves to the frequencies they transmit in every facet of their lives. There will be many shocks for the masses and many myths once believed, will become truths. Lots of secrets will surface and our beliefs challenged, especially surrounding religion and the church. Interesting times for sure. This is why focused intention will help you, and this means, the decision as to what you allow to come into your life to experience and what does not. It can be a tough choice, because some things we think we don't want to experience because they are unpleasant actually become great teaching and bring expansive growth. Like initiation.

Sometimes it works that one learns what they don't want first, before they know what they do want, and this also works in knowing what is not you, before claiming what is you. It's all about defining and clarity and the two can end up to be bickering neighbors that can't move away from each other. So, we all agree that we are all in a different process of integrating new energies at this time.

I have experienced three major initiations, 1 on the physical level, 2 on the emotional mental levels, and 1 on the spiritual level. Focusing on the positive side, the outcome changed my being, and a fine tuning took place, and enabled me to hold more energies, this in turned gave me more tools for assisting people here. It allowed for my spirit to be more fully present in the body which is called a major descension. The experience physically was scary. Before I get started on sharing the details, I will say that it is very helpful if you counsel with an astrologer, and one that has devoted their life to this extensive art. I will give a link to the astrologers I have used and recommend to my own clients. Astrology is very helpful because Astrology helps you understand energy and you can learn what energetic aspects can be working with you or more in opposition and Astrology is not horoscopes, it is very detailed, and takes many years to read the maps.

One of the most intense initiations I have ever experienced was on a physical level. The day started like any other day, it was sunny, it was in June. I woke up with a bit of anxiety, something that I had not felt for a long time. I decided to not let the anxiety ruin my day, so I jumped in my jeep and went for a ride. I noticed that my right hand was starting to shake as I held on to the steering wheel, and I could feel a strong energy pushing down on my shoulders, I felt my teeth clinch, as if I was being moved up slowly in energy. I turned the jeep around and headed home, for the feeling was unpleasant and unfamiliar. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed looking out of the windshield the energy pouring down from the sky like a hard rain. I thought...I need to lie the feeling became increasingly more alarming to me. A neighbor across the street who was also an energy worker came out of her house, and yelled to me..."what's happening, do you see that?" I said, yea...I'm going back inside! The days following, I noticed burning marks on both of my wrists, that released a watery substance. I had burning marks on my middle. My hair started to fall out, and my hands shook violently, especially if a person would step into my energy field. My voice shaky. Anxiety, mostly because I wasn't sure what to do other than just sit tight. It felt like someone upstairs had failed to turn off the energy faucet. Each day the symptoms continued, so I decided to call an older spiritual friend of mine to see if she had any ideas. She confirmed my knowing, that I was experiencing a physical initiation and integrating new energies. But, still carrying some doubt I thought, well..,it's very common for channelers to have thyroid and adrenal problems so I took a visit to my doctor, tests where done, negative of course for any problems, she said she never had seen anything like it, and that perhaps it was stress. I knew then, it was a no hope situation and I was just going to have to not know and flow with it. I had to stop all readings and energy work because any type of pulling of more energy made me shake even more. I basically took sleeping for about 6 months, and then magically gone! I happen to be looking at the website of my teacher in Hawaii who is a Kahuna, real one too! and noticed something very interesting.....she about 2 months prior to my episode had a very similar experience, different places of burning. She was told through a priest she was having Stigmata, of course...I called her and we were both amazed that we experienced this energy so close together. When I first met her, I was prompted to take a twin crystal with me and give it to her, only to find out, she lost her crystals on the trip. Though I am not Catholic, I suppose this is what some label this energy exchange, stigmata, not at all like the movies, but scary none the less. After the 6 months the gift left to me that I noticed right away was what the Navajo Indians call a hand trembler. It's a shamanic gift of being able to feel vibration. My hands tremble when doing energy work or with any type of energy field, and once the person is balanced the trembling stops. My hands became like a dowsing rods for energy. Also saw that my other senses had been heightened my clairaudiance, voyance, and clairsentience which was a wonderful gift in continuing my work in the spiritual counseling and healing field.

Each initiation has been different and tough in it' s own way, but once you make it to the other side you'd have it no other way.

Here are some of the physical symptoms that many will experience as the energy expands and of course you won't experience these all at once. You can feel hungry all of the time, and your body doesn't seem to feel full. This is because you need light, go out in the sun for about 15 minutes, also you can make the shape of a triangle with your fingers tips and allow the light to shine through onto your face, this makes like an antenna. Some people feel drawn to alcohol especially beer. Sleeping patterns change erratically, you may feel as if you need no sleep or sleep for hours and hours. Sharp pains in the head, neck and shoulders. Pressure between your eyebrows, severe headaches at the base of the skull, flu-like symptoms, muscle aches and joint aches, fever and sweats which is when your energy bodies are vibrating out of cycle with your physical body, tiredness, pain in the center of your sternum, vibrating when you are awake, pain in the lower back and hips, arms and hands tingling or falling asleep, perceptual changes, your senses become more acute and open to your psychic gifts, excessive sensory input, where all of a sudden all your senses amplify, feeling spacey and ungrounded, low level anxiety, dizziness, and clumsiness, hazy vision, objects appear to move, melt or shimmer, hearing beeps, tones, music, or morse code, memory loss, there are many more. I would suggest reading the book (What Is Lightbody) by Tashira Tachi-ren, which will explain in more detail what your being may experience. Some of the 1st wavers have already gone through a lot of this, the 2nd wavers a good bit too, however those encoded now to awaken will have to travel a very quick steep path upward. It is good information to know and pass on and can make a huge difference for a person suffering with not knowing what is happening to them, can be very frightening. Many will just run to the doctor, which in some instances can be helpful because all bodies are intertwined, however if it's energetic traditional methods won't help. If anything take to the herbals which hold different energies for balancing. Assist each other, but resist trying to cure a person in an energetic crisis, just support and allow them to save themselves, it's just a releasing and taking in of more light, and it's one's process. I think the best way to assist each other is to just be present without judgment and remind them that this too shall pass. Just the love and understanding alone can make an initiation much easier, and really all benefit from participating in it. Sometimes, it's good to seek an alternative practitioner, just to bring your being at ease.

I finally out grew the fear of initiation, took time. If you feel that you may benefit or have the need for assistance and you are going through a tough integration or initiation, please feel free to contact me for spiritual counsel or energy work; my email is:
These are magnificent times and we all have chosen to be here together.

Embody the God that you are.
Pour our like a creator.
Extend your hand in love, and the sun will shine in your soul forever.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Thoughts, Our Seeds

I was told once through my guidance and through vision, that people live in a world of thoughts upon thoughts, and that most of these thoughts did not hold but specks of truth and yet, most lived their life according to these specks, unless one becomes more aware of their (unknowing)verses knowing, and the illusion that operates a good portion of a person's reality. The simple truth is, as awareness takes hold and expands, one usually discovers that they may not be aligned with as much truth as they once believed, for understandings change, seeing a much bigger picture becomes easier for some, and therefore allowing yourself the flexibility to shift in thought creates more probabilities, hope and brings new life.

My mother held steadfast to the belief that if you stood an infant on it's legs for too long, the baby would become bowlegged. She even continued to believe this after the doctor told her that this was a myth and of course she replied with, "Oh, what does he know anyway." Now, not that I don't agree with her in some instances as far as traditional medicine and doctors go, yet I found it interesting that even when speaking with an expert her own truth she would not abandon, even when she found that her truth was not a truth at all, she would not allow for a shift to take place within her own thinking. Though we might chuckle about this, we all are guilty of it and probably more often then we remember, until you become aware, that the only real truth and knowing is your own experience, and even then, some will have experiences others will never have, and frankly don't need to have.
So, all one truly knows is what they have experienced, in whatever realm and if you are in question, you are not in your knowing.
It is important and part of the human condition to try desperately be on the same page or similar pages with the group, and I wondered if it is because many aren't sure of their own shaky reality and thus many have the tendency to always be looking at what's growing and happening in an other's garden or yard. Everything we need to know has always been in your own backyard, and yet all of us peek over the fence, just to make sure we keep our reality in some kind of check, however for me it usually happens when I am not creating or bored.
We all have our time to create and start anew, and there isn't a better time then right now with the coming of greater light, a time when the cosmic calabash is opening and our thought seeds may grow and create a new reality. As we continue to move through this consciousness shift, birth, and transformation, manifestations will take hold quickly, and especially the ones that are attached to emotion. Everything will seemed to be quickened. In my experience it is important to be quite careful in exercising your will to shape your reality, because remember that learning of (unknowing) thing I spoke, and a MUST to have focused attention and intention, which may or may not save you from your own creations and manifesting a mess. I am not a very Kum-ba-ya person, and I don't consider myself part of the metaphysical community. However, my experiences, and knowing are wide and deep on many many levels of existence. I always felt blessed and very full within, and I left manifesting for others for a good portion of my life. I was grateful for whatever came into my life...mostly. I think I almost felt a bit guilty for even thinking about trying to manifest more then what I had already been given, for inwardly I always saw so much abundance, but outward not sure but a choice few would be able to spot it. I was not born from a wealthy family or lived in a huge home or anything like that. Actually, my life was rather tough growing up, but there are people who had it tougher. I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, and usually it did, but I even accepted this as being okay. Funny those beliefs and truths... Whatever our make up, Earthly, Stellar, Angelic or whatever one would like to label themselves as an expression of their grand being, we all share the human condition, and this humanness is a precious gift to embrace, and not to be looked upon as a lower vibration. We embrace and embody our humanness, not go beyond it, integrate it.
Finding your nature and know well of your intent and your will, is very important in order to be able to manifest for the greater good.
Our thoughts shape our inner and outer worlds and our nature weaves our reality and our life becomes our thoughts and our dreams. I have had the question arise more than once when giving intuitive readings or spiritual counsel, how did one know if they are hearing their own intuitive guidance or was it just perhaps their imagination, their thoughts coming from their mind, and in addition, even more interesting is that as we cross the line into adulthood, how imagination seems to mean and be perceived as false/not real. Our conscious mind is held in high honor above our hearts knowing and the child within is thought of in those unaware as unknowing and yet, the inner child holds the keys to entering higher dimensions and the kingdoms. This lack of honor is also mirrored in society, where many do not honor the children as the pure beings they are.
Anyone that practices creative visualization will tell you that you can use your thoughts to direct the shape of your reality and without imagination you would not have become. More than any other space now, one must be careful and know whatever seed they plant they will have to continue to water, so make sure you sow good seeds, be aware of what your planting. Have your seeds grow in states of respect, honor, trust, and away from the desire to control or manipulate and be detached from an outcome, which we can become very attached to, for remember we are awakening to unknowing, and leaving the need to know with your mind. It is most important to not be tempted to use visualization to control the will of others, even if your intent seems good. Many of us eons ago, had to learn that hard lesson. The seeds that you plant have always been what determines your harvest, for you are the keeper of your own path. Be in touch with your intentions that are in connection with your words, your thoughts, and your actions. Stay conscious of what your intention is for yourself and then you will be more present in creating your reality. Try to imagine more details in what you would like to manifest, for if you can not see it, you might never be able to manifest it. It is also important to use the sacred breath to bring the energy through you when you are manifesting so your seeds do not fall to the wayside, it is as if the sacred breath is the Miracle Grow for your manifestation and once this is done, release it with the knowing it will be on its way, if it is in the highest good for your being. It is important during this incredible birth and leap in consciousness, to remember to stay flexible and not attached to things, as you realign yourself to the more whole you. It is not a time of force, doors open and close easily, so watch the messages that come through your guidance as to which doors to walk through. Oil and water will no longer mix, so many will be connecting to more like minded people which will bring comfort. In order to not become disturbed, remember to allow, and by allowing things to work out differently from what you may have wanted or expected, you may discover that the universe has other possibilities for you that are far more exciting.
Manifesting at this time will serve as good tool for protection and strength as we move through the transition of leaving duality and moving into oneness together.